Pro Oxy Elite



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Did you know the budget for the 9/11 follow up was $20m. Barry Bonds and co $250m. Lance Armstrong over $500m. Make of that what you will...

    well they clearly weren't going to spend 500 million following up an inside job that killed thousands.
    It makes much more sense to waste the time of congress to discuss steroids in baseball, that's serious business.
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    Did you know the budget for the 9/11 follow up was $20m. Barry Bonds and co $250m. Lance Armstrong over $500m. Make of that what you will...

    well they clearly weren't going to spend 500 million following up an inside job that killed thousands.
    It makes much more sense to waste the time of congress to discuss steroids in baseball, that's serious business.

    Well... That escalated quickly.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Oxy Elite what can I say it's like legal crack :laugh: but they changed they formula because it was killing soldiers over in Iraq so it's not as strong as it use to be just a heads up
    It wasn't "killing soldiers". Those soldiers used the product wrong. That being said, the old 1-3D formula works, and it works well.

  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    So, are you going to take these pills the rest of your life?

    If not, why are you taking them at all? What are you going to do when you stop taking them, and your appetite returns to normal. Obvious answer: Gain it all back since you used a quick fix and learned absolutely nothing about fueling your body properly.

    If you do plan on taking them for the rest of your life, well.....have fun with that.

    No the plan is not to not take it the rest of my life, that was my question, what happens when you stop, do you blow back up? Is there some sort of side affect? I stopped taking it for a few days and didn't notice much of a difference in those few days. I don't have a huge appetite as is, my job keeps me pretty busy that I usually forget to eat, and I don't binge when I get home because I'm just too tired. I've managed to cut my intake of fast foods and starbucks which was what I was usually eating for a few weeks because it was quick and easy on my way to work.

    Like I said, I was intrigued by my associates results and wanted to see what it would do for me. I'm not a big supplement taker...only because I can never remember to take pills every day at the same time.
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    Oxy Pro Elite has been discontinued at GNC because people were stacking it with products like Jacked and it can be very dangerous. If you are going to take it DO NOT stack it!

    Oh no, I would never add Jack3d to anything, I have yet to take it before working out, I was taking it before going to work because I was so exhausted. I can def. feel the energy increase but I did crash hours later so it wasn't really affective.

    5hour energy would work if I my body didn't get use to it after awhile when I was working overnights.

    All these supplements are trial and error for me, just a very expensive trial and error....
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Oh no, I would never add Jack3d to anything, I have yet to take it before working out, I was taking it before going to work because I was so exhausted. I can def. feel the energy increase but I did crash hours later so it wasn't really affective.

    5hour energy would work if I my body didn't get use to it after awhile when I was working overnights.

    All these supplements are trial and error for me, just a very expensive trial and error....

    caffeine pills from walmart.
    5 hour energy is just a glorified dose of caffeine at 5x the price.

    your body will get used to anything after a while. it's called tolerance.
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member

    Oh no, I would never add Jack3d to anything, I have yet to take it before working out, I was taking it before going to work because I was so exhausted. I can def. feel the energy increase but I did crash hours later so it wasn't really affective.

    5hour energy would work if I my body didn't get use to it after awhile when I was working overnights.

    All these supplements are trial and error for me, just a very expensive trial and error....

    caffeine pills from walmart.
    5 hour energy is just a glorified dose of caffeine at 5x the price.

    your body will get used to anything after a while. it's called tolerance.

    Well I guess it's a good thing I'm a manager at wal mart :wink:
    I've had a few people recommend green tea pills but I don't want to take a horse pill haha
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Oxy Pro Elite has been discontinued at GNC because people were stacking it with products like Jacked and it can be very dangerous. If you are going to take it DO NOT stack it!

    actually they still sell it.
    you can get both the old formula and the new dmaa free one.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Using products with a laxative effect for weight loss, hmmm.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Well I guess it's a good thing I'm a manager at wal mart :wink:
    I've had a few people recommend green tea pills but I don't want to take a horse pill haha

    green tea pills aren't going to do anything.

    The caffeine is a good pick me up, but will have such a small effect on weight loss that I wouldn't reccommend it for that purpose.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    I'm currently taking it and have been for 2 weeks. It decreases my appetite and keeps me in check. Other than that I don't notice it does anything for me. I also watch what I eat, count calories and hit up the gym. It does help with my appetite though and I'll probably continue to take it until I reach my goal weight.

    My husband works at GNC and they've came out with a new version of it, still called the same thing I think. However, I've heard it doesn't work as well as the older version. Luckily my GNC still has plenty in stock.

    I agree with her. It decreased my appetite but I think my loss on the pill (if any) was due to my commitment and consistency in going to the gym and laying off of the junk food. I was recently told by a GNC rep that Oxy Elite Pro is going to be banned so they are putting it on clearance. Just be careful and follow the directions when taking it :)
  • MGigs21
    MGigs21 Posts: 16 Member
    i've been taking it for about two months now.. almost done with the one bottle (90 pills) and so far, it's worked wonderfully! i've lost all the weight i wanted to lose and i had no side effects. I did feel like the pill lowered my appetite but not to the point where i would skip meals. I know that skipping meals isnt the way to lose the weight. Also i had to changed my diet to 1200 cal/day and I did not work out at all during the time i took the pills. dunno if i lost weight because i changed my "diet" to eating healthy or if it was the pills that helped with my weight loss. i'm sure it was a combination of both. I was very careful with the directions for the dosage though... i didnt want to end up in a hospital as I've never taken pills before.

    BTW, i lost 22 lbs in 2 months and 9 days :)
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    i've been taking it for about two months now.. almost done with the one bottle (90 pills) and so far, it's worked wonderfully! i've lost all the weight i wanted to lose and i had no side effects. I did feel like the pill lowered my appetite but not to the point where i would skip meals. I know that skipping meals isnt the way to lose the weight. Also i had to changed my diet to 1200 cal/day and I did not work out at all during the time i took the pills. dunno if i lost weight because i changed my "diet" to eating healthy or if it was the pills that helped with my weight loss. i'm sure it was a combination of both. I was very careful with the directions for the dosage though... i didnt want to end up in a hospital as I've never taken pills before.

    BTW, i lost 22 lbs in 2 months and 9 days :)

    22lbs is awesome! I'm sure it had to do mostly with your diet, the pills do help with not being as hungry, but discipline in the end is what will help you lose weight! Add in some moderate exercise if only 3 days a week and I'm sure you'll see a much bigger change in your body!
  • shanech24
    shanech24 Posts: 4 Member
    Oxy Elite Pro and Jack 3D both worked great for me, but just like any other stimulant they need to be cycled because they will lose effectiveness. Not worth the time or money unless you are busting your butt in the gym to get to your goal.
    They are an aid but not the answer. Hard work and healthy eating is the answer.
  • Any diet pills are useless and a waste of money in my opinion. They don't do enough to provide even the slightest benefits to your body besides jack it with caffeine and other stimulants. I've used oxy elite pro before and it wasnt any different from when i cut naturally the next year. Save your money. Solid diet + Cardio will do the trick
  • I like Oxy Elite pro and sometimes I mix with pre workout for more energy. This is not really recommended but I find it helps with my energy.

    Found quite a few people talking about over at so decided to try it. Now I'm a believer....

    Lost about 5 lbs in 2 weeks, not too bad!