So hungry after eating so much



  • Water is the key for sure.
    I too have had issues trying to stay full and eating smaller snacks was really not helping alone.
    Before you are about to snack out or over eat drink 2 large glasses of water slowly.
    This concept seems to work well with me or at least helps decrease any unwanted large snack.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    I find that eating actually makes me hungry. Don't eat so frequently if this is your issue.
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    When I started losing weight, I had to force myself to drink more water. I felt like I was hungry all the time, but after a week or so of drinking when I thought I wasn't thirsty, it felt like I reset my thirst mechanism. Dehydration will often present as feelings of hunger, so keep that in mind.
  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    I've never done weight watchers so I don't know if they're actually "good" or not. But personally I'd say if you want to feel fuller discard the "point" system and go by not only how much you're eating, but WHAT you're eating.

    I guess for example say weight watchers says unhealthy snack bar is less points than healthy protein shake...I'd go with the protein shake regardless. Especially since it'll help keep you fuller and would be more satisfying.

    Again, I've never done weight watchers so I don't know/understand the point system, but I do know it's never good to beat yourself up over a few mistakes. Just keep doing the best you can :)

    Also, this!:
    "When I started losing weight, I had to force myself to drink more water. I felt like I was hungry all the time, but after a week or so of drinking when I thought I wasn't thirsty, it felt like I reset my thirst mechanism. Dehydration will often present as feelings of hunger, so keep that in mind." <
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    If you try some/or all of these good hints and are still "hungry," you may be eating out of habit or in response to stress or boredom. Try diversions like outdoor exercise, involvement in a project you like, etc. Are you still hungry?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Stop snacking!
    Snacking might work for some people but it clearly doesn't work for you.

    This too. I tried the 6 meals/snacks a day thing and it backfired for me. I'm much happier and in better control with 2-3 meals and a snack if needed.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Its usually the quality of food rather than the quantity of food. Since your diary is locked..hard to tell. I know if I chow on too many carbs..and dont compensate with some protein..i am still hungry..but balancing is my key.

    I can carb load before and after a long run (10 miles or more)...and am usually fine..its finding your sweet spot which will take some time.

    Oh and processed foods..they never fill me up as much as real food
  • shezzzzz
    shezzzzz Posts: 119 Member
    I lost a lot of weight on one of the older points systems, and yes, I found I was hungry most days.

    I tried the new system, but didn't find it helped, that's when I came to MFP and started tracking calories, and losing weight.

    It took me several years to figure out what works for my body.

    I need a good sized meal to satisfy me, but then I don't get hungry for a long time after. Many days, I eat 2 meals a day (late morning, and then at supper time.

    I've learned to stay away from apples, as I always feel hungry 30 minutes after I have one, no matter how much or what I ate previously.

    I also played around with Intermittent Fasting (24 hours or 36, a few times a week), and I feel that made me realize that I'm not going to die if I don't eat regularly, and that hunger pangs will go away if I occupy myself with something else.
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    Eventually you won't feel the 'need' to stay full & you'll be just as satisfied without being 'full'.

    It's hard at first, but the best thing to do is cut out a snack or two from your day.. it will get easier!
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    I just opened my diary, I started eating "better" this past friday as you'll see a lot of starbucks and nastiness in my previous journals.

    I did weight watchers when I was 20 at that point I was only 132 but thought I was heavy, by 21 I was at 115, however I got a new position at work and that's when it all went downhill. The last almost 5 years have been nothing but eating out and eating unhealthy. Since weight watchers worked before I figured it would work now.
  • nicoleleposki
    nicoleleposki Posts: 1 Member
    Hi SavingFaith65,

    I understand the constantly hungry thing. While it is important to make sure what your eating is healthy to curb your appetite. I wanted to share something that has been helping me. I have been reading this book called "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst. It is not a diet, but instead it is looking the deeper reasons we abuse food. hope this helps
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I eat early in the day I am hungrier all day. I generally don't eat anything until at least 10:00 (I get up at 6:30) and sometimes not until noon or 1:00. This doesn't work for everyone, but if you research it, it's not uncommon either.
  • vabond93
    vabond93 Posts: 2
    I find snacking makes me hungry, too. I like to make a large cup of green tea, or any other tea that doesn't need sweetening, to help curb hunger. If that doesn't work and I am still hungry 20 minutes later, I know I need something to eat.
  • Just stick through even when your hungry. If you keep eating it won't get you used to eating less.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't have any problem with weight watchers, I don't really know how it works, but I'd say if you're hungry and going over it's because you're not eating enough veggies. Aren't those 'free' or something?

    You don't have enough calories to work with already, quite frankly, and you're wasting them on fruit with dips, crisps, chocolates, cookies or high fat high calories processed junk that will not fill you up. No wonder you're hungry.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Eat more higher protein snacks and more protein in general. Pretty much everything you're snacking on are just simple carbs.