

  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16. I gained 40 lbs over one summer and I have been getting bigger ever since. I have tried hundreds of “diets” since my teen years in order to drop the weight, but it would come off so slowly I would quickly give up. I am so tired of feeling unhealthy, and my having my doctor keep…
  • Thanks guys! I will see how I feel next week, and if I’m still this tired I will try to eat a little more in the morning. I will also start to remember to take my vitamin, I’m horrible with remembering that…. Thank you again for all your feedback, I really appreciate everyone on MFP!
  • You are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up! I love seing people on this site who have lost a lot of weight, it reminds that I can also do it! Thank you so much for your post, I was feeling pretty defeated this morning, but now I'm excited and ready to keep working towards my goal!
  • The Olive Garden dressing is 80 calories and 8 grams of fat for 2 tbl, which is an average serving size for a medium to large salad. This leads me to believe that there is most likely 4 servings per bowl that they bring to the table. I could be wrong, but that’s what I would go with. When I’m really unsure about the…
  • LOVE IT!
    in Sabotage! Comment by MaryBethD July 2010
  • I have had this same problem for years. This is why I am no longer “dieting”. Instead of just watching my calories, I am re-learning how to eat. Diets do not work for me. The only thing that will, is a lifestyle change. I have been finding alternatives to food that I love, like Turkey Bacon BLT’s, Fat Free cheese…
    in Sabotage! Comment by MaryBethD July 2010
  • Here the post that I read when I had that same question - OK, this will be long. Please read it if you are confused. Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or a doctor, just a successful loser and maintainer, who has consulted both doctors and dieticians. Question #1: Should I eat all my calories? Yes. MFP is already figuring a…
  • You should eat the suggested number or calories, or a few below it. The BMR calories will be the amount of calories you burn by simply breathing minus 500 calories (for the 2 lb a week weight loss. It is probably minus 250 for the 1 lb a week). You don’t want to take in too few calories or your body will go into starvation…