Tiggeroo2321 Member


  • So, for those of you who've fought the soda battle and won; I need some tips! I have cut down on the number of day I drink soda. I've also cut down on the size of drink I get; however it's killing my calorie count on the days I do drink it! I don't want to throw calories down the drain, which I know drinking sugar water…
  • So today I had a great walk with four of my five daughters! My oldest can put down some miles y'all! However, my 10 year old loves loves to bake and today she tried her hand at Amish White Bread. It was GREAT! So there went my calorie uptick, that and soda-which is a habit I'm working on! I was still under thanks to…
  • So today is my routine day off (from walking) And on top of that it's Easter Sunday which meant a huge, lovely, all too yummy meal! So, I blew my calorie count, but not so much so that I can't do something about it tomorrow. So... that being said, my goals for tomorrow are Walking (60 minutes or more.) IF keep on track and…
  • @newbie2143-Welcome! I'm pretty new here too and I wanted to say that if there is a wrong way to do something, I'm sure someone (probably me) has already beaten you to it! I hope today was a great day for you and that tomorrow keeps adding to your successes! I for one am so thankful to this thread for keeping me…
  • So today was a HUGE success for me! Intermittent fasting-check! went for a killer one hour walk-check! I also surprised my SIL with a clean bedroom (they've been remodeling so their bedroom was taking the brunt of all the excess clothes and such) And I made supper and did the dishes (which might not seem like much, but I…
  • So intermittent fasting was out the door today as I ate lunch and snacks today, but I'm under my calorie goal and I walked about 75 minutes today! My goal for tomorrow is to get back on track with my IF and to walk another 75 minutes!! :) Good Luck to y'all who are doing Just for Today!
  • Today was a day for running (not actual, but errands) so no walk, but I was still under my calorie goal! Whew, I never paid attention to how much soda packs a punch when it comes to calories and staying under!!
  • So about six days ago I started intermittent fasting. Yesterday was rough, but I powered through and was able to finish the day out successfully. Today not so much, although even with eating about 350 calories more than normal, I will still be well under my recommended goal! Also, I did what I set out to do yesterday: I…
  • Loved the message above! Great reminder :) So my goals for today (as I just found this thread) are to exercise at least 45 minutes and stick to my intermittent fasting! (It's so rough around AF time!) However, I am seeing the results I want and I can't stop now :)
  • Hey Ebony-Welcome! Swimming is a great way to exercise without putting stress or strain on your joints. Walking is also good, take it one step at a time! Also, be sure to forgive yourself if you have an off day-Everyone does every once in a while. Get back here and start again! Good Luck-We're all cheering for you!! :smile:
  • 12 Enteman's Plain Cake Donuts, mainly because they're my favorite. Although to be fair, I like just about all donuts as long as they don't have sprinkles. :smile: Anyone ever eat more than one Paczki (Poonch-kee) on Fat Tuesday? With 70 grams of fat per donut, if you can do more than one you're awesome-not that your…
  • Same! Morning sex went out the window two little ones ago and with four girls in our house I'm happy to just be having sex period :smile: My Confession: I was surprised to have lost weight this morning as I've down two 2-liters of sprite in the last two days! And I didn't put it on my calorie counter :wink:
  • Hey Fran! I'm about where you are, although without the prior weight loss. Great job by the way!! :smile: I need to lose a total of 87 lbs to get down to where I'd like to be. I'd love to see the first fifty gone in the next four months as I'm going to be turning 35 and would love to feel good about it! Here's to getting…
  • I'm IN! My daily goal is 2 miles/day Walking with a minimum monthly goal of 60 miles. I need to get back out and moving!! I've got four months before my 35th birthday and I've got some goals to reach!!
  • I'm SO in need of some great accountability partners! I've been stuck at my current weight for too long, mainly because I can't seem to curb my appetite. In less than four months I'm going to turn 35 and would LOVE to be under 180lbs. by the time my birthday comes around!
  • Name: Tiggerroo2321 Age: 34 Height: 5'2" Start Weight: 4/1/17-232 Goal Weight April 30th : 225 Weigh-ins: April 3rd: April 10th: April 17th: April 24th: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes / struggles this week: Curbing my appetite.
  • I'm 5'2" and about to be 32 (in July) My BMI index tells me that I should weigh between 125-135, however, I have a wider (broader) bone structure so my personal goal weight is more around 140-145. I have a LONG ways to go, but I'm finally taking those baby steps so I'm getting somewhere, even if it takes a while! :D
  • If you're being overlooked by "guys" who don't like that you aren't having sex then they weren't worth your time anyways...someday a man will come along who respects you and values you for who you are and cherishes that you aren't sleeping around! You're so worth the wait so don't sweat it!!
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Rebecca, I'm a mother of three little girls, Amanda (6.5) Emily (4) and Olivia is my newest at almost 8wks! So having just turned 30 this past July I realize that while I'm more prepared for motherhood now than I probably was the first time around, handling three girls is insane! I was on the brewer diet…
  • Real Name: Rebecca Height: 5'2" HW;241 CW:216 GW:145 UGW:130 Location:Dunnellon/Crystal River, Florida Age:30 Sex:Female Children:Three girls, Amanda(6.5) Emily(4) Olivia(7wks) Married: yes! to Danny for 9yrs this October :D I'm not on an actual "low carb" diet plan. I was on the Brewer diet while I was pregnant so I'm…
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Rebecca and I'm 30 yrs. old. I just had my third daught this past July and am super excited to get this weight off! My weight gain started really when I married my husband in 2003. Before I had my first daughter I had already gained about 14lbs and after I had her I lost 34 of the 44 I had gained, but…