haanmom Member


  • If you are going for an estimate instead of exact, I read that the "average person" burns about 500 calories during a GRIT session. That's the number I have used because I think I'm a pretty average person (!!), and it has worked for me in terms of calorie intake, projected weight loss and actual results. I'm 5'10 and…
  • I have been using a combination of Emeals and meal plans from Clean Eating magazine but switched to Fresh 20 this week! I am hoping it would lighten the shopping load a little bit and save me some planning time without compromising on quality. I've only made 1 meal so far, so I can't give an opinion about that, but my…
  • I had to take 3 weeks off of all exercise after a serious case of tendinitis in my foot from running. I couldn't work out at all but also had to limit walking as much as possible. I recalculated TDEE using sedentary setting and then ate TDEE-20%. I was able to continue losing weight at about the same pace as I was before.
  • 8 months pregnant with a 9 month old at home. Been there with the close together babies! I didn't get tested for vitamin deficiencies while I was pregnant but after my 2nd child was born (16 months apart), I had some symptoms that led my doctor to test for them. I was significantly deficient in vitamins B & D, and iron.…
  • What are you eating? From looking at your pictures, it looks like you are already pretty lean. Have you looked into online nutritional plans? Jamie Eason has a few different meal plans on bodybuilding.com. I can't really give you much advise because I am in a similar position. I am getting close to my goal weight and am…
  • I used Mederma after having my kids. I didn't have horrible stretch marks but they were red/purple. They have now faded to not really noticeable. My sister used cocoa butter and hers are still fairly dark. (Both of us 5 years out from our last baby) I don't know if it's just the difference in our skin or not, but I'd…
  • Where I live, whether a stroller is ok is usually dependent upon the race. Usually the larger, more professionally run races will specify whether strollers are ok. Most local races here allow strollers and give instructions for stroller runners to start in the back. I would check the race websites because they will…
  • I'd go with moderate exercise - 3-5X/week.
  • 5'10 Starting 178lbs Currently 163lbs Goal 160lbs Calorie goal: 1875/day, everyday I workout about 5 days a week. 2 30 minutes HIIT sessions with a personal trainer and training for a half marathon (2 30-45 min runs per week + a long run of 1-2 hours) I'm a stay at home mom so I'm active throughout the day but nothing too…
  • Do you have access to a BOSU ball? Balance exercises help with ankle strength. I was RXd BOSU ball workouts by an athletic trainer when I was healing an ankle sprain in college. There are lots of videos and resources online for how you'd use one to help strengthen your ankle. You might also head to a running forum, like…
  • Have you seen a physical therapist or occupational therapist? With such a significant injury and recovery process, I think I would consult a professional. [I have pins in my knee from a fractured patella - happened 10 years ago now - and I was given a fairly extensive list of exercises by a physical therapist to help…
  • Please? Somebody?
  • Have you tried High Intensity Interval Training rather than steady state cardio? That helped me break out of a workout rut/weight plateau.
  • Look into IT Band Syndrome and see if it fits your symptoms. My husband, who has no history of knee problems, occasionally suffers from pain in his knee related to his IT band when he increases his running mileage too quickly.
  • Echoing the others here. I have pins in my left knee and experience no knee pain at all... except when my shoes start to wear out and then I experience pain in my left knee very similar to what you are describing. If it isn't the shoes themselves, it is something related to your running gait. Either way, having your gait…
  • I'm in the minority here. I am obsessive and have made a conscious decision to not be obsessive about this. So I track my calories but I don't stress out if I am not exactly accurate, if I lick the remained for PB off the knife after I make my kids PB&J, etc. My calorie setting is set a little lower than it should be to…
  • Congratulations on your pregnancy!! When I was pregnant (2006 & 2007), I joined Babyfit.com and used their nutrition information, recipes, etc. They also had some really useful discussion forums. Not saying you should ditch MFP, but it is a site geared towards healthy pregnancy that I found helpful.
  • I also had a child who shot out of my body and left damage in his wake. And also have had some bladder related issues. I always go before I run. And as weird as it sounds, I practice squeezing while I'm actually going to the bathroom so I know I'm using the right muscles. I was considering seeking some kind of medical…
  • I don't know if you will find this helpful or not, but I have been eating an evening snack in order to get closer to my calorie goals. (I am a habitual under eater who is now reformed!) When I'm deciding what that evening snack will be, I usually check my macros pie chart on my phone and then choose a snack that fits…
  • Pollock is the white fish that is used to make imitation crab meat, so maybe it was pollock? Where I live the most common white fish that is more dense is Cod. I don't think Cod really tastes like anything. Anyway, there are two ideas to get you started! =) Here is a link to a directory of some kinds of fish that you can…
  • What kind of results are you hoping to see? Weight loss? Increased mileage? Increased cardio endurance?
    in running Comment by haanmom April 2013
  • I don't think there is a right or wrong way. I have chosen to set a first goal that is attainable and puts me solidly into healthy BMI territory and in the size clothes I would like to be in. I'm 3lbs away now. When I get there, I am planning to spend a little time in maintenance and then re-evaluate whether I'd like to…
  • http://www.builtlean.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/body-fat-percentage-women.jpg
    in Body Fat % Comment by haanmom April 2013
  • Without seeing your diary, I will get started throwing out common reasons: Water weight due to... high sodium intake low water intake medicines you are taking hormonal fluctuations Do you work out? Because when I am regularly exercising, I find it very difficult to lose weight if I am under eating. That could also be a…
  • I have been in a similar situation recently. It was so frustrating. I eventually developed an overuse injury in my foot (I was working out 5-6 days a week between running, HIIT session and pilates). I ended up taking 10 days off completely from working out to let my foot heal, and in that time, my weight finally started to…
  • Are you trying to find help with macros (protein, carbs, fat) or how many calories you need? The number of calories you need, and the macro %s you are aiming for will determine how much protein, carbs and fat you are aiming for. To figure out your calorie requirement, you can do a google search to calculate your TDEE. Many…
  • I think people should decide what works for them and use that to determine what is best for them. That being said, we eat Dave's Killer Bread (which I think is only available in the Western US but can be ordered online too). Their slogan is "Just say NO to bread on drugs!" Their bread uses whole ingredients without weird…
  • *crickets* Anybody?
  • I'm 5'10. I've gone from 178 to 166 (12lbs) in about 2 months. I'm netting about 1500 calories. I started with a net of 1200 calories and was losing VERY slowly. A few weeks ago I bumped up to 1500 calories and have been losing 1-1.5lb/week.