sallychristmas84 Member


  • I've taken "Thyroid Armour" before and liked it. I had an adverse reaction to "Levothyroxine" (water (?) weight gain of 20+ lbs in a couple days). I like that Thyroid Armor is a better rounded thyroid replacement. Recently, however, due to cost, I have started taking "Nature Thyroid" which seems to be equivalent to…
  • CONGRATS on your success!! That is a HUGE accomplishment! Keep up the great work!!
  • Same here! Because I'm focusing on what I'm doing (proper form, technique, not falling off the elliptical etc), it doesn't leave much room for anything else. Every now and then an idea or thought will float in- and I'll have a brilliant idea, which I think comes from not thinking :)
  • I'm proud to say, that this year, I didn't over-indulge. :)
  • An alcoholic in "recovery" can never have another drink of alcohol, without the (high) chance of "relapsing" back to where they were before their period of sobriety. That being said, a "food addict" that has been able to abstain (in "recovery") by elminating that very foods that cause them to over-indulge, might in-fact…
  • Unfortunately, breasts (since they are made up of a lot of fatty tissue) are the first to go. There were for me. I went from a 46 DDD down to 40 D (down 100+ lbs) (and the "D" part is only because of all the "tissue" I have left, after I lost the fat- my breasts aren't nearly as "full" looking anymore). I'm not trying to…
  • I have been weight-lifting for over two years, and have yet to see myself get bulky. And I don't use "Barbie" weights. I squat with the barbells (+ weight), trap bar, and bench with the barbell (+ weight). I have noticed strength increase and an increase in definition. Most females will not "naturally" get big and bulky…
  • I have tried both- abstaining completely from junk food, and incorporating small amounts of it into my diet (with the intention of trying to curb the cravings/over indulging). For me personally- I find that cutting it out altogether is what works for me. It seems that when I have even a small amount of "junk" food- I want…