candycana Member


  • I went to one WW meeting just to check it out and came home so confused with the point system that I never went back. This is the first time EVER I've been able to not only keep track of what I eat, but also understand what I'm putting in my body. With my blood pressure issues this is crucial! And, more importantly, it's…
  •, mostly I'm doing better now that I know to watch the sodium intake. I know that if I eat out, I'm probably going to get way too much sodium and I'll have to drink a lot more water. I'm still trying to figure it all out. If you look at my diary, you'll see that I often take a turkey sandwich for lunch. It's easy…
  • I'm on SPRING BREAK!!!! Wahoo! I'm going to try to up the miles walked per day. Instead of two, I'm going to aim for three or four. We'll see if my body can take it. Either that, or I'll drag out the bike. Yeah, that might be fun. The weather here in Florida is fantastic! Meanwhile.....I have an interview next week! I took…
  • FCAT....the Florida F-word!!! I teach 8th graders...M/J Math 3 and Algebra One. My Algebra students this year not only have to take all the FCAT tests, they ALSO have to take the new EOC exam! Which also means that every time we do progress monitoring tests (3x a year), they have to do both. They are tested to death.…
  • I did it! Fifty years old and the first time ever that I've fasted. And really, it wasn't too bad. I had lots of stomach growling around lunchtime and dinner, but after that, I just kept drinking water and was fine. It wasn't easy, several youth gave in and ate. But aside from a headache after I woke up this afternoon, I…
  • Let us know how your month of fasting went. I'm very curious. :)
  • Our church youth are doing a 30hr fast starting tomorrow. No food...just water. It's in conjunction with a concert/fundraiser for world hunger. I've never really fasted before and I'm a little nervous, but looking forward to it at the same time. The kids will have a lock-in and won't eat from 12 tonight till 6am Saturday.
  • My BP is still way too high and I'm on two BP medications. Woke up with another headache this morning, BP was 149/92. But recently it's been as high as 163/96. I don't see my doctor again till March 31. Last November I spent a night in the hospital due to high blood pressure (something like 180 over 100) and chest pains.…
  • Just a thought...I see lots of goals, but no rewards. Shoot, you've already lost 17 lbs!!! That's amazing! All of us here know how hard it is to get that scale to go DOWN! You're doing it! So you had some bad days. We ALL do. It's part of the journey. Old habits die hard. But maybe it will help if you can come up with some…
  • Congratulations! You are gorgeous! Slim face...beautiful eyes!
  • I don't count my coffee since I've always heard the caffeine acts a a diuretic. And by making myself drink 64 oz of water, it keeps me from drinking other stuff loaded with sugar, or even fat. Water, water, water. It does a body good!
  • Housecleaning for son's 17th birthday party. He has 10-15 friends coming over for a bonfire tonight. He's collected a TON of wood, (we live pretty much in the woods), but I have a feeling they'll be in the house instead. We've had lots of rain the last couple of days, 60% chance of more today, the field's a soggy mess and…
  • Great day today! First day my students finally got to play with my new macbooks....they LOVED it! Now to figure out a creative way to use them for math rather than just playing. I mean, there's tons of stuff they can do at the website provided by their text publisher...but I want them to do some podcasts, or paper slide…
  • Love it, love it, love it! Even if that horse is thy self! You can do this. You must do this! Don't give up. Tomorrow's a new day. Forgive yourself and move on! We're rooting for you.
  • Thank you for the inspiration!! And congratulations!
  • Okay, remember I teach at a middle school, 6th - 8th. Guess what they told us today? We're a small county, only one middle school and our bright personnel at the district office have found this "wonderful" all-day workshop for reading that they want all the language arts, science, social studies, and reading teachers to…
  • Me too. I've made it every day this month. And today, I finished all 64 oz by 5:30! Haven't even had dinner yet. Yay.
  • 10 glasses! That's terrific! I got in my 8 today and my drink another before bed. I know I'll be up in the middle of the night, but I'm thirsty. Plus it might keep me from snagging the cookie that's calling my name. I took off my tickers, they were a pain to do every night, along with logging my food, but I'm still on…
  • Welcome! This challenge has made me accountable. It's the first time EVER I've consumed 64 oz of water a day. Sometimes more. Good luck! You can do it!
  • kizzy_muss, you're doing GREAT! I really think getting in the water helps with the weight loss. Rock on! :)
  • Dragonbug, do you suppose you could talk to my hubby? And all the other people that think we have it so easy because we get occasional planning days and summers off? If they could just spend a week with us like you do, they'd run away screaming. Like all teachers say, we definitely don't do it for the money. You have to…
  • My county in FL has the dubious honor of being the most obese in the state. We have LOTS of overweight kids. Kids that struggle to fit in the desks. I teach middle schoolers and started another thread about something similar to this, specifically if this site could be used with my students. The concern is that students…
  • OMG!!!! You've got to be kidding! Wow. I'd taught about 5 years when I got a severe case of laryngitis. Lasted over a week. Turns out I have vocal nodules, common for teachers. I was told I had a choice, either keep water to drink often, or have surgery. I can't imagine what I would have done if I'd been told I couldn't…
  • Good for you! I gave up on salads at lunch. They just plain take too long to eat. :(
  • Ummm...I teach math, but I do know it's *you're. Sigh. And today's been tough. Fire drill, etc. End of 2nd period I still hadn't had a drop of water. Trying to make up now, but afraid to drink too much. It is tough. Hang in there, everybody.
  • I keep seeing these references. It's a common problem for teachers. That's why I started the 64oz a day challenge. Think about it, do your administrators have this same problem? I know mine do not. I'm not a rebel-rouser but seriously folks, is this job really worth your health? You HAVE to drink. It makes your body work…
  • Oh, and this is my 22 year teaching 8th graders. Regular math and Algebra One. After ending up in the hospital due to job stress, the constant demands, I'm determined to take care of myself. My students now remind me to drink (water-tee hee) and I run to the bathroom 30 feet away during class change. We're supposed to…
  • You don't get a "duty-free" lunch? I thought we had it bad here with no planning time....but at least we do get lunch. We may work through it, but it's by choice. A parent conference instead? Yikes!
  • Just barely going to get in my 8 today. I'm so tired. Ready for bed!
  • It's barely after 7PM and I just finished glass #8! Yippee...I'm going over tonight!