


  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    yes. it's like there's only room in their bodies for hormones OR empathy. <eyeroll>
  • I have a 3rd/4th grade multiage class. I love it, but it can be overwhelming at times.

    Chirish - I agree with you . The bathroom thing is difficult, and has really made me think about when I drink my water during the day. :-) Our first day back from winter break I drank water all morning, not thinking that my prep period is in the afternoon. Oops!

    Oh and if you have coffee in the am, and then you drink water and God forbid have SOUP at lunch?

    I really have to plan my meals carefully!
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    LOL I have been reaidng all these posts and relating it to my own life!!!!! I teach 2nd grade and this is my 12th year. I love it but it is sooo true about the bathroom. Especially with little ones b/c you can't just leave and go to the bathroom!!!! Lunches are 30 min., but like someone else said until you do all the other things you get about 20min!!! I've been bringing smart ones microwave dinners. They are good and low in calories too. Good luck!!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Okay, now I'm just complaining, but the closest bathroom is four staircases away, across the courtyard, and in a different building. I do it at a run and it takes me like 8 min to go and come back! 8 minutes I don't have. I'm going to be like that crazy astronaut and buy some Depends! ;)
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    Normally I take my leftovers from the night before and pack it up as soon as I am done cooking. For breakfast I like to have Special K with Cranberries or a Nature Valley Peanut. I love taking yogurt fat free of course. This is only my second year teaching so I really struggle with finding good things to eat. The cafeteria is really good about letting me get the "healty" sides like raw carrots and stuff.
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    i'm in my last year of school to be a high school history teacher! reading this made me realize that i've never considered when i'll go to the bathroom when i have to! haha.
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    I'm not a teacher exactly, but I am a speech therapist for a school district and I work in the preschool autism program we have in our district. I get to eat my lunch at 10:45... and then I usually eat again around 3:00 or 3:30... whenever I get home from work...

    I have groups of kids back to back to back all day long except my lunch break and that's usually spent talking with the teachers of the kids I see to talk about what they did and any issues they may have had etc... or to write up reports or create new IEP goals or whatever. Very rarely do I have a full lunch break.

    for lunches I try to pack the night before too. I am a laughing cow addict too, but my favorite is the sundried tomato/basil one. mmmm. I like to do a sandwich think with one wedge of laughing cow, 2oz of oven roasted turkey and some mustard... Then I will usually pack some almonds or make a salad too... Sometimes I bring frozen leftover crock pot stuff. I like that because I have a big crock pot and it makes like 6-8 servings of things so my boyfriend and I eat 2 servings and then I freeze the rest in the glad tupperware that my sandwich meat comes in... then I dont really worry about refrigerating it and it is starting to thaw out by the time lunchtime rolls around PLUS it doesn't require any effort in the morning. Just grab it out of the freezer and go!

    Breakfasts usually consist of greek yogurt with honey, Jimmy Dean d-lights turkey sausage sandwiches, or if I have time, eggs. I have oatmeal but try not to eat it in the mornings because I feel like it makes me hungrier throughout the day.
  • I'm going to be like that crazy astronaut and buy some Depends! ;)

    Haha! Great reference...I forgot about her!

    I can usually hold it pretty well, but in a pinch, I will solicit help from neighboring classrooms.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I wish I was more excited about leftovers. I would bring them more often. I like salad, tons of salad.

    Quote of the day: "[The Mayans believe] a corn dog made the world."
  • I am a teacher in Australia- senior school art in a private boys' school. I am on holidays right now but I am busy writing programs as I am back to work next week for those lovely meetings before the kids get back. I am dreading going back and trying to look after myself. You have all reminded me how strung out I was when school finished in December. i have been working hard on getting myself de-stressed and fit. I am feeling on top of it and don't want to go backwards. You have all just reminded me that I need a plan!

    (You guys start early. Our boys start at 8.30 and finish 3.15pm.)
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a middle school special education teacher for students with emotional and behavioral "issues"

    I can totally relate. My lunch today ended up being a parent-teacher conference while I politely smiled all the while thinking I'm starving and I have to pee. The conference ended when the students walked back in.

    You don't get a "duty-free" lunch? I thought we had it bad here with no planning time....but at least we do get lunch. We may work through it, but it's by choice. A parent conference instead? Yikes!
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    I teach high school literature and composition and direct two plays a year. I feel spoiled after reading your post though, because I get an hour for lunch :P Haha :)

    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend! Just let me know where you found me :)
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Oh, and this is my 22 year teaching 8th graders. Regular math and Algebra One. After ending up in the hospital due to job stress, the constant demands, I'm determined to take care of myself. My students now remind me to drink (water-tee hee) and I run to the bathroom 30 feet away during class change. We're supposed to supervise in the hall, but I've decided I come first. My mom's a retired teacher and just had bladder surgery. I'm not going there. I'm drinking my 64 ounces and taking my bathroom breaks! Plus, if I go in early, I leave by 4. No more taking work home. I love the kids. I know I'm a great teacher. But we have to save something for ourselves.

    Seriously, the kids (and parents/administrators) will take everything you give them without a thought, and then begin to expect it. Be the best teacher you can be. Go the extra mile...the kids need us. But don't forget to take care of yourself. If you don't, you'll get burned out. Nobody needs that, you or the kids. Take your 30 minute lunch. Drink your water and take your bathroom breaks. Take care of yourself. The kids will respect that. I'm sure of it.
  • Try making several "meals" on Sunday afternoon/evening that you can divide up for the week - depending on what you like. I've prepared salads, steak, pork, chicken, etc. When I do this, I eat much better during the week. I enjoy the variety also. It's nice spending the time on Sunday afternoon getting things ready. Each morning, I just need to grab a container of whatever I want to eat that day. It doesn't take any time at all in the morning.

    Also, I do my grocery shopping on Sundays. When I get home and put everything away, I also get my snacks ready for the week. Have a variety of snacks planned out. You can keep some at home, and have some for work during those times when you need a "pick me up".
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Can we keep this thread going? When I joined last week, the first thing I did was look for a teacher group. We do have unique issues.

    I don't drink water during the school day. The bathrooms are too far away and usually occupied. I've had 3 kidney infections since I started teaching.

    BTW - I teach 6th grade ELA/Social Studies and had my car tagged today.
  • Kezzanna
    Kezzanna Posts: 45 Member
    Although on holidays at the moment, I do have trouble both with drinking water during school and getting to eat luch....then by the time 4pm rolls around I'm ravenous and will eat anything and everything in sight! That's part of my problem. I joined this month to try and get some good habits in place before school starts again - not that the Ed Dept has placed me yet! Could end up relief teaching - stress eating anyone???
  • I'm a preschool teacher. My biggest problem is the amount of energy that I have at the end of the day. I'm wiped, which makes it hard to be active or even make a good dinner. I'm getting better, but it's definitely a struggle.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I'm not exactly a teacher, but maybe in the same neighborhood - I'm an archivist at a university library and my schedule can be iffy depending on how many students/researchers come in, meetings, and so on.

    I always bring my lunch - a bad thing here is the availability of campus food which I see folks getting every day - I pretty much always make my lunch the night before (usually soup and salad) with a couple of snacks (low carb pita/lavash + hummus is a staple). If I don't make anything I have some backups in the freezer to take (Amy's, Kashi, *some* Lean Cuisine varieties).

    I try my best to get in some stretching, walking, or stair climbing at some point during the day, usually after lunch - it helps me feel better at the midafternoon slump...!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I'd love to keep the thread going. I had my first BAD bladder infection this year and when I told the nurse I was a teacher she just rolled her eyes and said, "figures."

  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member

    I don't drink water during the school day. The bathrooms are too far away and usually occupied. I've had 3 kidney infections since I started teaching.

    I keep seeing these references. It's a common problem for teachers. That's why I started the 64oz a day challenge. Think about it, do your administrators have this same problem? I know mine do not. I'm not a rebel-rouser but seriously folks, is this job really worth your health? You HAVE to drink. It makes your body work better, and it helps you lose weight. I mean, c'mon, shouldn't going to the bathroom be one of your basic human rights? AND, although initially you have to run to the bathroom every class change, your bladder does adjust. Take the challenge. Drink that water. You don't want to be retired and having bladder surgery like my mom. Hugs, everybody. I know it's not easy. But it is important.

    Feel free to friend me. Just tell me your a teacher. :)
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