


  • IreneAdler
    Happy Saturday, teachers.

    I'm going to work very hard this weekend at NOT checking my work email for messages from parents. I'm not at work!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Yay, happy Saturday! I'm missing Chinese school because I'm sick. :(

    Does anyone bring salads to work? My salads are HUGE and I never know what to put them in.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    ^Hope you get to feeling better!

    I take salads about 3-4 days out of the week but they're really simple. I *love* iceberg lettuce so I'm missing out on the better and darker kinds, and I add whatever I can find in the refrigerator - usually a combination of mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, and/or avocados. I also use balsamic vinegar instead of other types of dressings.
  • IreneAdler
    I hate to grade papers. Why didn't I become a plumber instead? Better money and job satisfaction, I'm sure. *grading 8th grade tests on thermodynamics--takes at least two hours. ARRRGGGHHHH!
  • HW2Hottie
    HW2Hottie Posts: 100
    I hate to jump in here, but I just wanted to say God Bless you all. I LOVE my kids teachers and I just don't think you guys hear it enough. Thank you for all that you do for these kids!!
  • Terriberry
    I teach preschool and my day can get very stressful. i work with infants and let me tell you, all that crying can really make a girl crave some chocolate!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi there! Good to find this group.

    I'm a high school Special Ed teacher and find my day flies by. I have to make a concerted effort to eat lunch or I don't get a break at all. My colleague and I have 65 kids assigned to us and they keep us busy.

    I'm going to try to track this thread. Like-minded people need to convene every now and again. :)
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    ArmyWife, what a nice thing to say! I ALWAYS feel like I can't do enough for the kids and it's nice when parents are appreciative. That means a lot.
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    So, I attempted skiing for the first time this weekend. You guys will NOT be seeing me in the Olympics for skiing anytime soon. I feel like someone beat me up. :)

    Monday Smonday...O how I dislike Monday. We are expecting a snow/ice storm this week. We've had snow once a week for 3 weeks now. When I was a kid (boy do I sound old now) we never got snow.

    Wishing you all a great week.
    Happy February!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I teach preschool and my day can get very stressful. i work with infants and let me tell you, all that crying can really make a girl crave some chocolate!

    Ooh, my hat's off to you. I really have no idea what to do with little kids.
    I'm going to try to track this thread. Like-minded people need to convene every now and again. :)
    Cool, I agree! Glad so many teachers found it!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Thank you Armywife!!!
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Okay, remember I teach at a middle school, 6th - 8th. Guess what they told us today? We're a small county, only one middle school and our bright personnel at the district office have found this "wonderful" all-day workshop for reading that they want all the language arts, science, social studies, and reading teachers to take. It's required. All of them. On the SAME day! There are six math teachers, and about 8 related arts teachers that will not be included in the workshop. We're to hold down the fort. I was so floored I didn't even hear if the administrators will be at school or also attending this workshop. The district office personnel (well, except for the ones that SHOULD be in the classroom, the superintendent, asst. super, and various other dist. dept. heads) will be subbing along with any other subs that can be hired for the day. Oh my gosh. It's going to be CRAZY that day! I feel a sickness coming on. LOL. Except there won't be any subs left for me. Sigh.

    On the positive side, all those poor district personnel will find out what it's like to be in a classroom.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Yay, payday!
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all. Another teacher here. I am an 8th grade Special Ed teacher. This is my 10th year to teach.I do inclusion, teach study skills, run a learning lab, and track around 25 kiddos. Whew. Makes me tired just reading it.

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Looks like everyone's doing well.
  • berries71
    berries71 Posts: 5 Member
    i am a prek teacher and find it difficult with all the snacks around as well. We provide the snack at the school , and although it is healthy and I usually bring my own vitamuffin, i always end up picking on the school snack. Usually, it contains the salt that i want/need at that moment. Anyway......i love teaching as well and would love to continue hearing from everyone!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I was doing better with food in the room. I've kept organic peanut butter in my desk for the last couple of weeks and then I find something to eat it with and that = lunch. Celery, banana or apple.

    Unfortunately, I caught a mouse in my room yesterday. Put it in a plastic jar where it distracted the bejeezus out of my second period until I could get out and take it up the hill to the park. It will probably come back, but I was proud of my ninja skills.
  • IreneAdler
    I tried a new chicken and shrimp jambalaya recipe tonight--used the crock pot--only 211 calories per serving. 'Course, I forgot that I don't have any chili powder in the house, so it's a bit bland. Has chicken, broth, tomato, tomato paste, onion, celery, salt and pepper that cooked all day. Then I just added brown rice, green and red peppers and crockpotted it on high for 30 minutes. Added cooked shrimp, and voila' !

    And I have so much of it that I'll be eating it/freezing it for the next two weeks or so. I think I'll name it "Carmen"

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    That sounds tasty! I need a crock pot. Do they use a lot of energy?
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    You guys are scaring the crap out of me! I'm going to be a high school math teacher, but I want to be able to pee! I'm pretty sure all our teachers had a period for lunch and a period for planning everyday! Maybe I was wrong.... What am I signing up for?
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Wow this blizzard has me down. I have so many IEPs to do. I actually have 2 meetings scheduled for Friday but I have a feeling we will be out for the rest of the week. My car is buried in the snow. We've missed so much school (two snow days the week of Martin Luther King day) and I'm stressing because we don't seem to have enough time to get our kids ready for state testing. It's kind of nice to have a snow day every now and then but being out for a week is not so cool.