

  • Also, success is subjective. The only way to guarantee success is to stick with your lifestyle change (I say that instead of diet because if you diet, you will eventually get off the diet and go to old habits).
  • Here's the cliche "everyone is different post". But it's true: everyone's body IS different. My boyfriend and I cut calories to 1500 and everyone on MFP said it was bad because we hadn't gone by what MFP said. Anyway, we ended up putting our own numbers in and calculating to see what it said, and it had me to 1200 calories…
  • Bump! This is so inspiring!
  • You need to gain confidence. You are you; it doesn't matter if you are fat or skinny. And quite frankly, those comments are meant to be hurtful. It's difficult to handle a situation like that, so I would say something along the lines of, "I appreciate your intentional compliment. But it still hurts my feelings when you say…
  • I was wondering the same thing. Bump!
  • Hello! I went through this issue before. I used to hate skinny jeans because I thought they were suffocating. But it turns out, I just wasn't wearing the right ones. I recommend trying Old Navy. I bought a pair from there and it was a little big around the waist so I have to wear it with a belt. However, they were looser…
  • I weigh myself once a week on Thursday nights after working out. We usually only have time to work out at night (plus, there's an 80% chance that we will have the gym to ourselves), and we use their scale. When I changed my calorie intake (meaning upping my calories), I weighed myself in the middle of the week (didn't log…
  • Don't give up! You need to look at what you are doing. 1. If you are exercising now, and did minimal to no exercise before, you could have gained water weight. 2. Are you eating healthy? Meaning, you could be cutting calories, but are you watching your carbs, fat, etc.? You can easily eat a certain amount of calories in…
  • My boyfriend and I have been together for 4.5 years and I gained so much weight after the first year (but then again, so has he!) So I feel where you are coming from. Try to get your boyfriend to do it with you so you have a partner. Good luck! And feel free to add me. :)
  • I am not a veggie person (seriously, just look at my diary). Sometimes we eat raw vegetables or frozen broccoli (they come in a steamed bag so all you have to do it microwave!) But recently, I found that zucchini is amazing in moderation. I usually peel them, and then I grill them in my little George Foreman. I add on .5…
  • Hello! As a college student, I know where you are coming from: it is difficult to be able to lose weight and such when you have a busy college schedule. It really sucks that you don't have support. I am really lucky and am doing weightloss and fitness with my boyfriend. We keep each other accountable. See if any of your…
  • I hate apples, but never thought to put peanut butter on my banana. Great idea! I just bought some turkey sausage patties, and they have A LOT of protein. They also had less calories and fat and more protein than regular sausage.
  • I know this is a bit late, but I will do it anyway. Best: Having this as a resource. Being able to log everything that I eat has been such a big help in understanding portion sizes and servings. The database is AMAZING, even if it is sometimes flawed (you just have to pay attention and check the numbers occasionally). I…
  • I was prescribed by my doctor a pill that helps with weightloss due to my triglycerides being extremely off. I reluctantly took it, but decided that it was time to get my act together and actually work toward the weightloss by making better decisions. It's been three weeks since I started the pill and my diet/exercise…
  • Thank you! I love fruit, but it has so much sugar! :( We are in the process of getting rid of food. When we (my boyfriend and me) were on MFP plan, our carbs were so much higher than our protein, so we could eat the potatoes and breads. Now, it's completely changed. Luckily, we should be out of those. Great idea about the…
  • Bump! I am having scale issues as well and would like to know which ones are reliable.
  • Hello! Dieting is hard. When you fully and actually want to do it, you will. If this is the time for you to be serious about it, then you will stick with it. It is great that you are seeking help to learn from other people. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to function. It also needs other things like vitamins.…
  • I'm really into grilling since I began dieting. What I usually do is divide the pound into four pattys. Then I put them on my little kitchen George Foreman grill (I can fit two at a time). Then I used 1 teaspoon of McCormick Grill Mates (I LOVE the Montreal Steak seasoning) on the top. I cook it for six minutes, then cut…
  • First of all, congrats on your first week-- I just started a week ago, and I know it makes me feel proud to be able to say, "hey, I am actually trying to diet and have been successful for a week". So you should really congratulate yourself EVEN with the weight gain. I would suggest trying to eat several times a day. I…
  • Yes, he was almost 200 under.
  • Thanks for the advice everyone! and thanks GauchoMark for pointing out the guided goals-- I looked and saw what it normally took into account and such. And SHBoss1673, I originally decided 1500 because I thought it would be possible and easy to split between five meals, then he copied me so we would be on the similar plan.…
  • Thank you! I am somehow finding it difficult to get enough calories in me in the first place, so I have been leary about going to the gym because I didn't want a calorie deficiency. My Fitness Pal yelled at me the first day when I didn't have enough in me, so I know my minimum is 1200. Thanks for the info!