nicoleromine Member


  • Brandon Campbell ChelseaLifts Jessica Pethrus LankyProgressTV Maxx Chewning Nikki Blackketter Tali Shlaf
  • I'm 5'9" and 33 years old. I also use TDEE and IIFYM. Currently, my exercise mostly consists of heavy compound lifting 3 times a week, a short yoga routine every morning, and one or two HIIT cardio sessions a week. Before I started lifting I lost weight eating about 1800 calories a week doing tons of cario. After I started…
  • I also had that problem with squats. I find that if I focus on tightening everything up, particularly my glutes, after I'm set up but before I start squatting, I feel it in my glutes more. Some may say mind-muscle connection is b.s., but here's an interesting read that confirms my own personal experiences:…
  • I just ate a chocolate chip cookie dough protein bar covered in s'mores peanut butter. Then, I'm headed to the gym for what I hope is a PR on my deadlift - here's to 160#. Doesn't that sound awesome? Just do it, man.
  • I'm 5'9" and carry most of my weight like you do. At 210, I wore a tight 14. At 180, I wore a 10. At 150, I'm in a loose 8. I've been lifting since October and I've noticed my thighs and booty have tightened up, resulting in my pants being even looser even though I'm at the same weight.
  • I'm usually a lurker, but I wanted to chime in. I'm a 5'9" woman, and I'm 6 weeks into my first bulk. In the time this thread has been going, I've gained some weight, been a boss in the gym, and increased my daily calories by 100. This thread has been incredibly helpful to me for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I've learned…
  • I usually go commando, but I do like these a lot:
  • I find it amusing and shocking how many stuck-up prudes are apparently judging me at the gym. I wear what I want to the gym to improve performance (tighter clothes help me check my lifting form) and because I want to look as awesome as I feel (bright, pretty clothes are straight up motivational for me).
  • I travel a ton for work. Here are some of things I do to stay on track. 1. Pack a lot of premeasured snacks out - nuts, granola, carrot sticks, etc. 2. Bring a water bottle and force myself to keep hydrated. I find this is particuarly important if I'm flying for some reason. If I don't load up with water on the plane, I…
  • I'd get the cheap calipers. I take that measurement, three estimates from body measurement formulas (Modified YMCA, DOD, and Covert), and average them all out. For me, it gives a decent estimate of my Body Fat. I live out in the middle of nowhere, so making it to a big city for a DEXA scan or Body Pod is nearly impossible.…
  • I've always wanted to do a DEXA scan. Was there anything about the experience you didn't like? Was the person administering the scan knowledgeable about fitness or did he just push buttons? Congrats by the way! You're results are inspiring.
  • I went to the University of Rochester. I can't tell you how much I loved living there!
  • I love hiking, but I live in Northwest Kansas, which means I don't have the opportunity to do it often (unless walking in a flat field counts!). My husband and I usually travel every 3 months to get some hiking in. On Christmas Day, we're flying to Arizona to get some hiking done around the Phoenix area. Mostly, my feed is…
  • I couldn't say it any better than rogotzke81. I would add that you need to find some sort of fitness activity you love doing. At 5'9", I started at my highest weight in March 2014 at 210 pounds and went on maintenance in October 2014 at 147 pounds. I believe maintenance has been easier because I have new fitness (rather…
  • The first time I measured, I had my husband take pictures of where the tape was located. That way, if I have any doubt about the tape placement, I just refer back to the pics. At this point, though, I have a really good feel for where I need to be measuring.
  • I'm 33 years old, 5'9" and 147 lbs. I'm flexed in all of these pictures. I'm hoping someone gets me a DEXA scan for Christmas, but I think that's a long shot!
  • That's awesome Laurend224. I'd measure and take photos every 4 weeks. It can be depressing to start, but it will track your progress so much better than the scale! My greatest regret is not doing those 2 things from the get-go, so kudos to you. :)
  • I started this whole thing in March 2014, but I didn't measure until late April 2014. Here are those measurements: Waist: 38" Hips: 44" Bust: 37.25" Thigh: 26.25" Calf: 16.75" Here are my measurements as of last week: Waist: 27.5" Hips: 37.25" Bust: 32" (yes, depressing but true!) Thigh: 23" Calf: 14.5" I've transitioned…
  • Well, no one's posted on the introductions in a while, but here i go. This will be my first bulk. 1. Starting weight: 148 2. Bulk goal weight: 160 3. Maintenance calories: 2300 4. Bulk calories: 2550 5. Bulk goal duration: 3 months, then I'll reevaluate 6. Lifting program: Nerd Fitness Academy
  • I'm 33, and I lift 3 nights a week and log consistently. Feel free to add me.
  • No gloves. They interfere with my grip.
  • You cannot gain a significant amount of muscle mass until you're eating a calorie surplus. Thus, squatting is not going to result in huge glutes unless you are eating a ton of found. Strength training at maintenance (or even at a deficit) is amount building strength and changing the composition of your body.
  • I feel your pain. I lost 60 pounds and I lost inches everywhere . . . but my butt. All of the women on the my mom's side of the family carry a lot of weight back there. I've decided to just accept it (which based on the songs on the radio, I'm a high-demand commodity), and focus on eating at maintenance and lifting heavy.…
  • If you're walking in freezing conditions, I think the key is a good pair of socks. You know what to wear to stay warm, otherwise. It took me a long while to accept the fact that I was going to have to spend $10-$20 for a pair of good wool socks, but they really do make all the difference.
  • My MFP maintenance and TDEE are pretty close. I, however, have set my calorie goal to TDEE and log my exercises as 1 calorie expended. My exercise routine is constant, so I just find that method way easier.
  • Totally unnecessary.
  • After a long, strenuous hike, I usually weigh 5-10 lbs more afterwards. However, after about 2 days, I get back to my normal weight (if not a little under). No worries. You know your body. Listen to it, rather than obsessing about the scale.
  • I'm 5'9" and built pretty broad. I started on MFP in March 2014 at 210 lbs. I'm now down to 149 lbs. The weight came off pretty easily for me. I think the great thing about being taller is that we can consume a lot of calories and still lose weight. Even better, maintenance is such a cake walk (I'm currently eating 2200…
  • I'm 5'9". Starting weight was 210. My goal and current weight is 150. I'm currently on maintenance and focusing on fitness goals. I've taken up lifting and plan on building strength. After 3 months, I plan on re-evaluating at which time I may decide to do a cut/bulk cycle. I'm also focusing on flexibility, so I'm doing…
  • I've lost an inch and a quarter on each calf since March. I now, thankfully, can fit into tall boots (wearing some right now!). My calves still run a little large (15.5 inches) as that's just how my body is built, so I still have to mindful of how large the opening on the boot is.