This is a tough thing for me to overcome also. It sucks when you are getting ready to grill a nice healthy salmon steak then all of the sudden your wife decides she wants a pizza! Sucks.... I hope you find some recommendations... It would help me also,,,
Thanks everyone for the seems as if it is ok... as long as it is in moderation...just like most things :)
You can do it!!! I relate my wife has an incredible metabolism and She flaunts it!!! Hard not to eat when she is ordering pizza from my favorite spot every friday! lol You can do it, but it will take determination, relentlessness, and prayer!
@ Tonya, Very great advise Thanks again!!!!:smile:
Thank you Very, very, very much Tonya!!! This is very helpful advise that I will apply today!!! Are there any particular workouts other than the leg curls and extensions that you recommend? Also, How long could recovery take? My particular Knee issue was not diagnosed. At the time of the injury I didn't have insurance. I…
@UCGirl I havent tried spinning with the fear that the movement my ruin my knee lol... I might give it a shot and see how it works though... Thanks!!
how much longer do you have until prom?
A pure knockout!!!! Keep it up!!!