FarmFoodDiet Member


  • I agree with MJEkoff above: eating nuts as snacks really helps bridge the gap between meals. A lot of people are afraid of nuts because of their calories and fat content, but you need the fat. By eating nuts, you stay full and avoid the temptation to overeat. If you go with a granola bar instead - which is lower in…
  • I disagree that you have to feel hunger or pain while losing weight and for the rest of your life in order to keep it off. I lost 15 pounds eating full meals and have kept it off since then even though I stuff myself every day. There are a few secrets to this: 1) I eat regular meals and regular snacks, 2) most of the food…
  • You are going to need to cut your carbs. 1) Cut the sugar out of your diet, 2) Cut refined grains out of your diet and limit the less refined grains. That includes rice, pasta, bread, etc. Even whole grain foods can raise your blood sugar levels sky high. Get familiar with the glycemic index! I read an example ADA diet…
  • The problem with a lot of these studies purportedly showing a negative impact of a "high-fat" diet in animals is this: the "high fat" chow that these animals are given actually contains ridiculously high levels of sugar. The problem with interpreting these studies is that the diet's impact could be due to the sugar- not…
  • I set my fat percentage at 30% (carbs 40%, protein 30%), and I still go over my fat allotment on some days. I love it! My fat, though, comes from natural sources (nuts, avocado, meat, coconut milk, whole fat dairy) and not from man-made things like chips and candy bars and whatnot. Fat keeps you satisfied, and prevents you…
  • I totally understand what you mean with having a partner who doesn't want to make the same change. My guy equates healthy eating with eating "rabbit food," as do most people. But then he was shocked that I don't eat "rabbit food." I prefer eggs and bacon (or quiche)) for breakfast over cereal, because the latter spikes…
  • A few things will help you stay satisfied and still lose weight: Change your macronutrient ratio to 40% carb, 20% fat, and 20% protein. Cut the factory-made stuff out of your diet. Little to no sugar. Limited foods made from grains (cereal, pasta, bread,etc). Even juice has a lot of sugar in it. Sugar and refined…
  • I love using MFP, but the problem with this approach is it focuses on calories rather than what kinds of foods you are eating. When you're eating the right types of food, it is very hard to go over your calorie limit. When you're eating the wrong kinds of food, it's very easy to overeat and gain weight. For long-term…
  • I recommend 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein. You will feel full on fewer calories, and still lose weight!
  • Your problem is probably one or a few of these things: not enough protein, not enough fat, not enough calories overall. Don't buy that junk food, because it's too easy to eat quickly and doesn't satisfy your appetite. Eat real food. When you feel like snacking, reach for nuts, fruit, or vegetables - no processed crap.