Wantng to change my Macros!

Ive been on MFP for a while and have kept my Macros set at what MFP automatically sets for me... I was loosing at first so I was good. Then I hit a plateu so I upped my calories and were always over on my prrotein but under on fat and carbs but started gaining. So I put back at original settings. How do I determine what to set my Macros at? Thanks for the help.. Kami


  • Tweety1983
    Tweety1983 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else have any ideas?????????????
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Macros depend on your calories. Since you have not mentioned what your TDEE is it's hard to say..

    IF you look at the 'conventional wisdom' which says that you should be eating @1gm of protein per lb of lean body mass then for you it's probably close to about 120 (based on your goal weight). This means that you will need @ 120 x 4 = 480 total calories of protein.

    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggests that about 30 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake should come from fat - Mine is 25% but its entirely up to you. Either way this will determine how much is leftover for carbohydrates. If you choose to eat "low carb" your fat will have to be higher, if "low fat" your carb will be higher - this is more of a personal choice - or a what works for you thing unless you have medical issues and HAVE to do one or the other. I had my gallbladder out and NEED to be lower fat.

    Recommendations for carbohydrates range between 45 - 65% of your daily intake. Again this will depend on what works for you.. lower or higher based on your fat intake.

    The easiest way to figure out the exact ratios will be to work out your TDEE, take a 10% cut from that for your base calories. You are very close to goal so 20% is probably too aggressive for you. Figure out what % will be protein by dividing 480 (for 120g) by your calorie goal and multiplying by 100. From there set your carb / fat based on your 'plan' and tweak as needed.

    If you want help with the numbers just PM (or anyone else)
  • Tweety1983
    Tweety1983 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for your help!!!! :)
  • FarmFoodDiet
    FarmFoodDiet Posts: 10 Member
    I recommend 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein. You will feel full on fewer calories, and still lose weight!