

  • I'm back! After taking some time off, I need to get back on track and start logging my foods again. I have only gained 10 lbs, but I wanted to continue losing to get to my ultimate goal! I think that logging foods is the best way for me to be accountable during weight loss, and I have been avoiding it. So, here I am!…
  • Hey, I haven't been on much due to finals, work, moving, and transferring to a new job/apartment/university. I have been holding at around 140 lbs lost the last few months, still trying to get back to losing more and get to my goal. Here are some recent pictures!
  • Thanks so much! Still working towards my goals!
  • Meat - chicken breast, pork, beef, fish/tuna - high in protein and low in fat if you trim Fat is not bad for you. You get 9 calories from 1 gram of fat. You get 4 calories from 1 gram of protein. It adds up.
  • Protein and fat are your friends.
  • Hey, I got the post on my wall from you! I am going to do a full write up this weekend on low carb with some articles to back it up. It will include information on how it works (actual science!), what to eat/what to avoid, tips and stuff like that!!
  • Good Calories Bad Calories is a great book, but you would know that being low carb, even under 50g and ketogenic does not hurt your liver. That is a myth and there are many articles out there stating that fact. Here is a great article by Gary Taubes that actually sheds a lot of light on the low carb/low fat debate, "Put…
  • Low Carb all the way. I have been ketogenic since October 2009, losing 141 pounds so far. I have done so much research on the subject and have tons of information. However, it seems that some people just have a hard time committing to low carb for life, and low fat works better for their body. I think it is more about what…
  • I am mostly gluten and sugar free, eating ketogenic low carb for almost a year and a half. It works very well foe me!
  • Thanks!!! I have lost 12 more pounds. Only 8 more to go for my big goal!
  • I had a lot of results with something similar. I just call it ketogenic low carb with intermittent fasting. Good luck!
  • Anyone doing low carb can add me for help and motivation! I have lost 135+ pounds with low carb and have made it part of my every day lifestyle. I have tons of articles and information if you are looking for anything specific or need help with issues!
  • I have used an EC stack to help with my weight loss and weight training with very good results. I recommend it, but it is something that you need to research and understand before taking. Also, you have to start off slow because it will make you jittery. Some people use an ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin combo) but I…
  • Zano, I replied to your message about muscle cramps. Take a look at your potassium and magnesium intake! Add some natural potassium rich foods like broccoli and cauliflower. If that doesn't help, look at taking a supplement. Calcium could also be an issue if the potassium doesn't help.
  • I have lost over 135 pounds since Oct 2009 with ketogenic low carb. I made the decision to make this a lifetime decision, and I feel like a million bucks. I have an incredible amount of energy, I am off all of my previous blood pressure medications, and I am not longer considered pre-diabetic! I recommend that people try…
  • This is exactly right! You need to focus on getting high protein and high/moderate fat into your diet. I set my percentages on MFP to 10% carbs, 40% fat, 50% protein. It seems that I am always a little over on fat, but that is okay. Saturated fats are good for you, even though our own doctors and government tell us…
  • This site. Go there now! I owe Linda many many thanks for helping me lose 135 pounds with her recipe site.
  • I usually hit around 25g net carbs and 1300-1600 calories a day. I eat high fat and high protein meals. Take a look at my diary for some examples of my daily food. Basically, I eat eggs, veggies, heavy cream, cheese, nuts, and lots of meat. I am big on experimenting with new recipes. This is one of my favorite sites to get…
  • Hi fellow low carbers! I have lost over 135+ lbs doing ketogenic low carb since October 2009. I am in the homestretch and trying to drop 20 more pounds and go from there. Please feel free to add me to your friend lists and ask me questions. I feel like an expert now because I have helped so many people on this site, as…
  • Haha. Following Atkins is safe, and it is something you can do for the rest of your life. That list you put up is basically what you do when you follow a low carb diet - you avoid starches, pasta, bread - especially if you are following the newer Atkins diet. I have been doing "low carb" since October 2009, and have…
  • Thank you so much everyone. Every time I check this thread, it brings me to tears. :)
  • I've been following ketogenic low carb since October 2009 using DailyPlate, but moved over to MFP because I like the community and the ability to customize my daily goals without paying a silly subscription fee.
  • Exactly! That is what researchers are trying to get across to people - we are made to eat low carb. My uncle, who started low carb because of my success, has dropped over 50 lbs in 6 months and is COMPLETELY OFF all of his blood pressure and cholesterol medications. His doctor couldn't believe it. He thought he would be on…
  • My food log is open if anyone wants to take a look at what a busy college student eats. It's not that great because of busy Christmas shopping and eating out - but you can see how someone doing low carb deals with those situations. There are so many low carb resources out there for helping you plan meals, count carbs, low…
  • My diary is open if you want to look at how someone that is an extremely busy college student/full time employee handles ketogenic low carb (20-30g net carbs). I have been logging here for just a little while, but you will get the idea. It's not very typical because I have been eating out a lot, but it shows how I deal…
  • Wow! You look amazing. Look at those curves in all the right places! Great job!!
  • The point in counting carbs - if you keep your carb intake low enough, you don't need to worry about your calories. If you read my other post, I said basically the same thing - if you are on either a counting calories/low fat diet, you will lower your carb count just by doing that. This is something I already know, but…
  • Breakfast includes cheese omelets with veggies like green pepper, mushrooms and onion. Sausage and bacon. If I am going to be busy for the week, I make a crustless quiche to last me through the week. Lunch and dinner are sometimes just left overs. If not, I cook recipes high in protein and fat, and a side salad including…
  • I absolutely love this pizza crust. I made a white sauce pizza the other night with alfredo sauce, baby spinach, mushrooms, garlic, and onion. It was wonderful!