reneewl Member


  • My problem EXACTLY. And I'm 5'6" and 115. I still have a HUGE fat roll on my tummy!
  • Adding you. I've lost 210 pounds and gone from a size 28 to a 3 on Atkins. I'll ALWAYS take new low carb friends!
  • As far as I know, Phentermine has never been banned. Only the Phen-Fen combo, which is Phentermine with Fenfluramine.
    in Phentermine Comment by reneewl July 2013
  • I went from 325 to 235 a long time ago, then from 235 to 126 in the last 18 months. I do Atkins, but everyone has to find their own plan. I've sure loved mine, though!
  • Bwahaha... I was drinking one when I typed my response, then almost spit it out, laughing, when I read yours.
  • I've lost 196 pounds and cured diabetes while drinking diet soda. Love it and have NO plans to give it up. :)
  • I have several friends doing paleo. It's very similar, at least in understanding of sugar.
  • From what I understand from my bodybuilding friends, one cannot shred and bulk simultaneously. One requires a calorie deficit. The other an excess. But, by still working out, you can maintain most of what you have, and burn calories. So, don't stop!
  • There are much healthier ways. But. I understand the desperation. I've been there. So, maybe you just need a hug and to hear this: You are too valuable, too important, too risk harming yourself! You're strong. You can do it in better ways. *hugs*
    in Hcg Comment by reneewl October 2012
  • Yep! I weigh every time anything goes in my mouth. :-) But, I'm happy with my obsession and it lets me see how my body responds to things, so I really don't worry about it.
  • Haha! I just started growing out nails, and now I can't type for anything! I know my happy weight could really fall anywhere from 120 to 140. I'm 5'6", but have a pretty small frame. (Who knew, when I was that fat. but I see it now...) So 125 is kind of my preliminary thoughts. But, it depends on so much as I get closer! I…
  • I agree. Find the right nutritional style and then make small changes. Eat foods you love, just in smaller amounts. If it's really that hard, even slowly cut back your calories to give yourself time to adjust! I've taken MANY breaks during the 160 I've lost and am down to 40 remaining. And it STILL feels daunting some…