smileydays Member


  • Great idea for the workout. I love Wii Fit, as a recreational activity, not as a workout. But getting creative, I would use these ideas to workout. I would say to help with the workout, perhaps try to exaggerate activities. For example, the tight rope you could do SUPER high knees. Or the balance ball one, get your arms…
  • I LOVE sandwiches. I found one on here for a veggie sandwich (cucumbers, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, etc) with a cream cheese spread. I tried it and it was delish! I like to mix up the sandwiches with different spreads like red wine vinagrette, hummus, mustard or others. This really spices up a normal sandwich. I also love…
  • WOW! You look absolutely gorgeous now! I couldn't even tell you are the same person! Great job! Keep up the awesome work! I don't even think you need to lose 15 more pounds.
  • Thank you all so much for pointing out the errors, it really helps me to acheive accurate results! And yes, I am trying to correlate maintaining a healthy lifestyle with happiness. Is maintaining a healthy lifestyle generally a characteristic of happy people? Hopefully this survey will give us some answers. :] What do you…
  • This problem has been fixed! Thank you everyone for letting me know. It should be in working order. Thanks again! Feel free to try again. :] Thank you SO much!
  • Congratulations! When you start moving up (in time/mileage), a magazine I read said try not to increase your mileage by more than 10% per week. So if you run 20 minutes this week, don't go above 22 minutes next week.. and so on. I hope you achieve all that life puts in front of you! I know you can do this! You can be a…
  • I took Zoloft for 2 months, and felt suicidal all the time. It kept me up all night so I couldn't sleep and I was exhausted during the day. It was the WORST 2 months of my life. After calling my doctor and talking to her, she said these were normal side effects and that they should subside after a month or two. They never…
  • I will SWEAR by EA Sports Active Workouts! They are intense and you can vary the intensity or make your own workouts. I also LOVE My Fitness Coach. She's sassy and it's like personalized workout videos right on the Wii. For less than $20. I think Wii Fit Plus is really good too. It's really fun. I didn't like The Biggest…
  • LoL! I know I am a little late, but this joke made me die laughing. :D I, too, am a sucker for fart jokes. Hahaha.
  • I, also, have a recipe that I posted not too long ago here on MFP. I think it is absolutely delicious! 20oz. Lean ground turkey (97 (or more)% fat free, Jennie-O’s is good) 1 ¼ cup fresh cilantro 1 cup bread crumbs 8 tbsp mustard 3 egg whites ½ tsp salt 2 tsp black pepper 2 tsp Italian seasoning (Only if you use unseasoned…
  • I only eat organic oatmeal by Country Choice. My mom introduced it to me when she picked it up at Trader Joes one day. It has like wheat, barley, oats and 2 other grains. 1/3 of a cup suffices for me. I prepare it in 2/3 cup of water and I usually mix splenda with it because the taste is a little bland. I usually eat this…
  • I am looking at the Hooter's nutrition facts right now, and it looks like the best way to go would be the steamed shrimp or the garden salad with bronzed chicken as an entree. They are both under 300 calories. Look at the nutrition facts here: Chicken wings with…
  • Most people would say that chocolate is the devil... but I have to say different. Chocolate is a tasty treat for yourself and I use it to reward myself. I eat it when I have accomplished something, such as working out 6 days in one week or keeping to my calories all week long. It really helps me feel like I want to work…
  • It's now 4:55 and I have consumed about 6 glasses of water for the day. Yesterday, I was good and had 11-12. :) Water is essential especially when dieting so try for at least 8 glasses per day. Good luck to all of you!
  • Hello everyone! Last night, I didn't really do much... Oh! I watched this good movie that made me so emotional after, it was called A letter to Zachary. It was sooo good! I had 1 1/2 lean cuisine's for dinner (I was so HUNGRY) and a some chocolate for dessert. I went over my calories by less than 100 though, so that's…
  • Hey guys, Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. Had a super busy day! I went to my moms in the morning after my friend bailed on me for the workout in the morning. :mad: I couldn't believe he would do that, but, he did. But it's o.k. because I was super tired anyways. But! I went to my moms and she had made me my favorite...…
  • So this morning, as I wrote, I did a workout and had cereal for breakfast. For lunch, I ate a really yummy turkey sandwich with fresh spinach and mustard. At lunch, I fit in a 20 minute brisk walk and after work, I took a leisurely walk. For dinner, I had 2 turkey burgers on top of a bed of egg noodles, topped with 1 tsp…
  • Aww... We all hit our lows. About a month ago, I was eating burritos the size of your head and drinking soda. Now, I'm down 4 pounds and this is the first time I've actually lost weight my whole life! You have two babies at home, and you need to be a good role model for them. You need to teach them how to learn, how to…
  • Hey all, Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. I was too tired at night. I didn’t sleep well on Sunday night so I woke up on Monday and pushed myself super hard for my workout with my friend. We did a 50-minute workout and burned 300 calories. Go us! Then, after that we made veggie omelets with 2 egg whites and one whole egg.…
  • I eat a lot of chicken breast, skinless and boneless. I eat it when it's marinated in like lemon or pineapple and a little olive oil. It tastes good, you get very liitle sugars and fats, but tons of protein. I also eat a lot of egg whites and turkey. Although low in calories, they give you almost no fats and lots of…
  • I absolutely love My Fitness Coach. She's sassy and she's nice and she kicks your butt! I love her! I've lost 4 pounds off in 2 weeks of primarily using my Wii. I tried the biggest loser and it was good, like the workouts were good, although they didn't explain how to do the moves and I totally over extended my back. You…
  • Hey guys, Today, I started my day with a 45 minute all over workout. I also did my measurements today, and I've lost an inch off my waist and an inch off my chest. Hooray! =] After my workout, I ate a really yummy breakfast that consisted of 2 egg white, leftover turkey burger patty and 1/4 cup medium cheddar cheese. It…
  • Hey everybody, Today I weighed in. I was really nervous because I have been working hard and eating right. I just hoped that the scale wouldn't lie. So I stepped on... AND I LOST 3 POUNDS! I was ecstatic! I have always been overweight, and everytime I try to lose weight, I can NEVER seem to get it off. Now, I feel is the…
  • Military Fashion Show- And One Suliman- Infected Mushroom Don't Stop- Alfonso Hunter Around the World or One More Time- Daft Punk I got a Feeling- Black Eyed Peas I have a very strange taste in music, so beware. But all of these defintely get me moving! =] Enjoy
  • People who chew food with their mouths open or just hearing people chew in general drives me up the wall. Yuck! I also don't like people who try to act as someone other than themselves. The one's who try to pose as something they're not. You know... those kind. I think people should just be true to themselves.
  • I work as a receptionist in an optometrist's office where I file charts away and help to work up patients (the eye puff test and the look at this blurry picture test). I am also a full time student in hopes to be a nutritionist/ someone who prescribes diet and exercise instead of traditional medicine. =]
  • Excellent job! I am so happy and hope that you stick with it! Good luck on your long journey and I hope you try everyday to work towards your dreams! Congratulations!
  • Oh! Ps... If you want the nutrition facts on those burgers (w/o buns, just the burger) search for Cindy Scott and Anthony Turkey Burger on MFP and you will find it! Have a great day and night! =]
  • Today was a great day for my workouts. I’m supposed to burn 160 calories per day and ended up burning 210. I am focused more on toning up rather than just dropping poundage so I do low-intensity workouts that workout my entire body. Although I do cardio probably 3x per week. I did a workout this morning that wasn’t too…
  • Hey there, Checking in tonight. Going to let you all know how my day went... Work was pretty relaxed. I work as a receptionist at a doctors office and there was a new doctor subbing for the regular one that's on vacation right now. So this morning, since I had to go into work early, I had to wake up early to do a workout.…