

  • I'm with firepixie - water weight is not losing weight - drink water - eat healthy! there are no tricks or everyone would be super thin! Its basic eat right and workout! Its math - 3500 calories is a pound - if your body needs 1500 calories and you eat an extra 3500 - whether its chocolate or broccoli - if your body can't…
  • You should follow your weights with a good protein - like a protein shake. After you break down your muscles, you need protein to them so they can repair themselves. - I am certainly no expert, but I switched from weight watchers to an eating clean lifestyle because I needed more calories/food. You need to eat the right…
  • Thank you! and yes - I bet we do - its a workout just chasing the one year olds! right! lol I work full time also - but am fortunate enough to have a very flexible schedule so that helps me alot! its hard with small kids because they demand so much time! Sounds like you are losing it the right way! Slowly - thats the best…
  • Wishing you the best and welcome to the site! Keys to success that I have found - Keep a food journal! it makes you accountable - even when you don't want to be! :) Working out is important - but a lot boils down to what you eat! can you workout on your lunch break? you don't have to starve to lose weight - you just have…
  • welcome!
  • oh - and grapes! :)
  • Breakfast - 2 egg whites, 2 slices WW toast and slice cheddar cheese or 2-3 egg whites, oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon I snack a lot on apples - but try to eat whole, natural almonds with it - so I have a better balance of protein with my carb. I keep protein bars on hard - my fav is zone performance -chocoloate…
  • people at my office ask how I lose weight b/c they say I eat ALL the time - and I do. I love it! I eat approx. every 3 hours. It's definitely the way to go! I've been eating like this since July and rarely get bored with it. Good luck!
  • You would need to go to a local gym - there are several ways to track body fat- a machine you grip, one you stand on etc. - a more accurate way is using calipers. I go to a local gym once a month and they do a 3-point measurement - one on the back of my arm, one of my abs and one on my thigh. (there are 7 point test that…
  • can I recommend tracking your body fat instead of your body weight! I felt the same way - in fact I went July 09 and weighed 151 pounds, 24.5% body fat - the next month I was SO frustrated weighing 148 pounds - but my body fat dropped to 19.1% - in essence I lost 9 pounds of fat! but converted 6 to muscle making only a 3…
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