Hello Fitnesspal buddies!

Hi! I'm Amy -
I'm 34 - mother of three - 17, 3.5 and 1.5 - no more kids for me! so it's time to get into the best shape of my life!
I work out 3 days a week - and hate to admit, but do not incorporate enough cardio into my life! I started this weight loss journey approx. a year ago. At 175 pounds - I joined weight watchers - and lost approx 25 pounds - got a personal trainer in March 09 and began working out. (weight training 3 days a week) - I hit a hard plateau at 150 pounds - and in July began the 'Eat Clean Diet' and tracking body fat instead of body weight and have lost to 140. I'm still trying to reach my goal of 135 - and find it is so tough to lose this last 10 - but It's been exciting to watch the changes in body fat - from 24.5% in July to 16.7% in November.
I've learned so much about eating properly - making food work for me - and am excited about what I will learn from you guys!

have an awesome night!


  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Welcome!!!! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Best of luck to you!!! :drinker:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Hi Amy!

    I'm in the same boat! 3 kids 6, 3, 18 mths and I'm done with having babies!! (my husband has a different story, though!) My personal goal is the be in the best shape of my life by the time I hit 40! I turn 36 this month so I wanted to make sure I gave myself enough time! :laugh:

    I started MFP at 167 in August and am now down 10 lbs. My goal is 145 and toned!!! I wanted to get a trainer but couldn't fit my schedule into their schedule (I also work full time!) so I look to MFP for workout ideas, motivation, and encouragement. This site has been great! I am actually having fun losing the weight!! It's be slow and steady for me...about a pound a week but it's nice to see my clothes fit better and people notice the difference.

    Perhaps we can encourage each other! With 3 kids, I'm sure we have a lot in common!! Good luck to you and Welcome!!

  • fit2btied34
    Thank you! and yes - I bet we do - its a workout just chasing the one year olds! right! lol

    I work full time also - but am fortunate enough to have a very flexible schedule so that helps me alot! its hard with small kids because they demand so much time!

    Sounds like you are losing it the right way! Slowly - thats the best way to keep it off!

    Looking forward to celebrating our successes together!
