TattingChic Member


  • Good for you, BrenNew for making the healthy changes you needed to make. It really DOES make a difference to increase your awareness of what you are putting in your mouth. ( by "you" I mean it in the general sense of people in general not "YOU" directly). Anyway, it's a change I know I've needed to make for a while now. I…
  • It's hard to tell because you are seeing yourself everyday and the changes are little by little. Congratulations on your weight loss! That's a lot of work! Good for you! You will notice a difference after a while. Keep up the good work!
  • (OOps) all of them sound reasonable except the 1000 calorie one - that's what I meant to say.
  • Most weight loss experts say anywhere from 1200 to 1500 calories a day is great for weight loss depending on how fast you want to lose it. Dropping below 1200 can cause your body to start to "starve" and hang onto the fat instead of burning off fat. You may not hear a "magic number" because there really isn't one.…
  • I know that fluctuating 1-3 pounds even in one day is normal. Weight loss from all the effort put in today won't show up tomorrow or even the next day. It takes days for the metabolism to help our body experience the weight loss from the calorie counting and exorcising we did today. I would encourage you to weigh once a…
  • Ha ha! I'm getting that BrenNew! I just went over my food diary from when I started here and I was surprised to see that it's already been almost a month! I've been coming here everyday! It's really helped me increase my awareness of what I'm putting in my body and helping me make healthier choices! I think I'm already…
  • Hi NotSurprised! Thanks for saying hello! Wouldn't that be great if there was a commission, LOL! :laugh: Hi BrenNew! Thanks for the encouragement! I agree with you about sticking with logging food, it does work! :smile: Wow, way to roll out the "Welcome Wagon" guys! I appreciate it! It looks like you both have already…
  • I would love to see what you are eating, too! I never get enough protein, either and would also love to know where you are getting all that protein from! :smile:
  • Congratulations on all the work to get into those clothes! Good for you! :smile:
  • Been reading a lot of reviews lately on Ellipticals. If I were to get one right now I'd get the Sole E35. I've been reading consumer reports and the machine holds up the best for the money. The comment above mine, KimberlyKurtz, says she has the Sole E55. I didn't read anything about it, but heard a lot of good things…
  • I know someone who paid around $300 for the bodybugg, 1 phone session, and a subscription. I don't know if that helps at all.
  • Thanks for that link, Sunsh1ne! That also sounds like a good game plan too!
  • This sounds really delish! Thanks for sharing!