Feeling a little down

angelnik03 Posts: 43
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm just feeling a bit down and was hoping for a few words of encouragement. I started 3 weeks ago today. My scale says I've lost about 8-9 lbs, but I'm not sure how much I believe it. I don't notice any differnee in myself (except for rock-hard calves, lol) and I'm just a little frustrated. It's especially hard when my same height, same age roommate weighed herself on my scale (to see if it was accurate) and proclaimed how excited she was to be 140lbs, up 10, though where that 10 went is anyone's guess. :grumble: Sorry I'm rambling, I'm just having a lousy feeling night where I'm tired of counting calories, measuring meals, second guessing my weight and feeling like nothing has changed. Any tips for escaping these types of ruts?


  • I know how you feel. I've lost 17 pounds and don't really feel a difference. You might be losing in places that you don't really think bout. My ring is looser. So you might be like me losing weight in "different" spots. It can be annoying! But once you get going and keep going you will see results. You already said you noticed your calves, Thats great. Keep up the good work!
  • TattingChic
    TattingChic Posts: 14 Member
    It's hard to tell because you are seeing yourself everyday and the changes are little by little. Congratulations on your weight loss! That's a lot of work! Good for you! You will notice a difference after a while. Keep up the good work!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    You see yourself every day, so sometimes it's hard to see differences as they happen. For me, it usually takes around 20 pounds to go down the first full size, and then about 15 pounds per size after that. Maybe look at some pictures of yourself right before you started and now. Maybe you can see small changes in your face. I've lost 17.5 lbs, and other than my biggest jeans being very loose and my stomach not sticking out quite as much, I don't feel like my body is much different. Take pictures every 5 or 10 lbs as you continue on your journey so you can see the progress you've made. You will see it soon.

  • Thanks everyone! I haven't really thought to start documenting what I look like, so maybe I can see it that way. Will do and thanks again!
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