

  • Um. Black Powder Pistols. Dueling Pistols. Flintlock Pistols. http://firearmshistory.blogspot.com/2010/12/pistols-dueling-pistols.html (pic link /stupid member for not knowing how to make it work) :grumble: They make a big boom and only have a range of about ... 9 paces. :wink:
  • Sabres? Pistols? Thumbs? Rock? Paper? Scissors? Just curious as to what the weapon of choice will be... :glasses:
  • Great questions. If what you're doing is working for you, FANTASTIC! Everyone is different/unique; it would stand to reason (even with my faulty/fuzzy logic) that our consumption should be as individualistic as the individual doing the gnoshing. :glasses:
  • A couple of interesting documentaries for the 'skeptics': Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1227378/?ref_=sr_1) Supersize Me (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/?ref_=sr_2) As far as Macros go, I'm not 100% certain what they are other than a division of protein, carbs and fats intake based on your…
  • I also go over protein... but, I do consume protein shakes/whey. Other things I've found helpful: 1. Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts 2. Vacuum packed Tuna (rather than in a can) 3. Greek Yogurt (I prefer Chobani 0% fat) 4. Eggs (minimum yolk/no yolk) 5. PB2 from Bell Plantation http://www.bellplantation.com/ I mix PB2…
  • I'm a big fan of 'green' smoothies. I drink them for breakfast and lunch (though, sometimes breakfast is missing the green). But, the basic idea is 1/2 c 0% plain Greek yogurt (I prefer Chobani), 2 cups raw spinach, 1/2 c low-sodium v-8, and then whatever else I feel like throwing in. I've played with cilantro,…
  • This sounds AWESOME! I'm so copying this down and sharing it with my family. :)
  • That's the spirit. I forgot to formally say, 'add me'. So... ADD ME. :D
  • SW: 294 CW: 290 GW for April: 280 UGW: 175 How do you plan to achieve your personal goal? I'm working with a personal trainer and going to the gym a minimum of 3x/week. Using the food tracker here is a big help, as is wearing my heart monitor as it seems to link with the cardio equipment for accurate caloric count. Good…
  • OMG - I never considered this before...! Now I'm gonna have to fill my queue with things that my hubby and son will totally groan at... *grins*
  • Wow... in less than 30 mins and all my words of wisdom came shooting out in a chorus of support! Here's what I've learned from my dietitian/physical therapist. My caveat here is that I'm a LARGE lass hoping to lose my weight before going under the knife (gastric bypass). That said, I have been tossed into the category of…
  • Really? High impact aerobics? FABULOUS! I've been using 'dancing, aerobic, twist, belly-dance' (or something to that effect) and let me tell you, as a 245# lass, it's most disheartening to leave the floor after 45 minutes looking like I've been caught in a typhoon and feeling like I've REALLY REALLY accomplished something,…
    in zumba Comment by JLBenton January 2011