I cant seem to loose any weight:(

OMG!!!!! I have been eating right for 3 wks now and i have only lost 2lbs... I wrkout for 2 hrs a day .. I do all kind of cardio never the same routine... I mayb go over on my cal once a wk if that.... What am I doing wrong ... Can I please get some good advice.... Thank You....


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just sent you a friend request to check out your food dairy. Your sodium could be too high. You didn't mention your water intake.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    It may be what you are eating. be sure to eat 6 times a day to keep your metabolism always fired up. 2 hours day may be too much if you are not eating enough calories. Your body could be in starvation if you are truly exercising 2 hours and burning 1000 calories in that time and if you are not eating enough calories you will not lose weight.
  • ktndj82104
    sounds to me like you might not being losing because you are gain muscle.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I am no expert, but this has happened to me when I tried to lose weight by starving myself and what I learned is that I need to put something in my body every 3 hours. I've been back at it with this new approach only 5 days now, so like I said, I'm no expert, but it's definitely working and I am losing this time.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's possible you aren't drinking enough water, are getting too much sodium or aren't eating enough. For most people, 2 hours of cardio a day is way too much. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of high intensity or interval training is optimal for burning fat.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Your diary is not viewable to your friends either. I would suggest taking measurements as well. You have lost inches. I would think however that you've should've lost the water weight so that leads me to sodium being too high or you are not drinking enough water.
  • sarahtroupe
    Thanks and yes I have lost 3 inches and 2 lbs that's it ... But I will however change somethings around.....
  • debcoug
    debcoug Posts: 12
    Yes, if you are not eating enough calories or close to, then your body will go into starvation mode and store what you have eaten as fat. I eat every two hours, and I only eat my carbs at lunch time and for supper I eat protein and vegs, and nothing after 8 pm. Lots of water is the key too.
  • debcoug
    debcoug Posts: 12
    I love how much support there is on this site, I find it really helps me.
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    you should reward yourself because you HAVEN'T GAINED any weight!!
    kudos on that! thats success!

    dont look at the scale just yet. instead get out the tape measure.
    you may be starting to lose inches.
    remember exercise builds muscle & muscel burns the fat away. it takes time
    slow & steady wins the race & keeps it off.
    the faster you lose the fater it will come back & then some.

    keep up the great work, & check yourself once a month instead of weekly.
    you'll like the results more
  • sarahtroupe
    Yes I drink about 5-6 bottles of water a day as far as the soidum I havent really paid much attention but I will start Thanks
  • sarahtroupe
    Thank u so much and I do eat all of my cal every day....... I think mayb I shouldnt eat carbs at night???
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    definitely get a tape measure (the one from the sewing section of the craft department!) and TAKE PICTURES OF YOURSELF WEEKLY!!!! don't be too hard on yourself, you may be losing some inches, just not pounds yet. sodium is a huge factor (and i'm a bad example cause i'm ALWAYS over cause i have an obsession with lunch meat lol) but yeah, keep your nutrients in check. can you make your diary public so we can take a look?
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Girl!!! two pounds is two pounds!!! Be happy with any loss!!! You could just be like me and be really slow at losing weight. No matter what I do I never lose more than a pound a week and for the last three weeks i have been stuck...that always happens...I will lose a pound or two and get stuck for 3 weeks...the only way i get the scale to move again is to take 2 days where I eat around 2000 calories and then get back on schedule then i may see a loss of a pound!! I know it is frustrating but some of us arent lucky enough to just have weight fall off of us....i mean i workout for atleast an hour 7 days a week and keep my net cals at 1200 or less.
    Oh and what are your average net cals? that has been a problem for me. You need atleast 1200 net cals in order to lose weight (if you arent getting enough calories your body will hold on to the weight!) good luck and hang in there!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Working out two hours could be a bit too much for your body and it might be telling you something. Your muscles are retaining the water instead of releasing it. For the next two weeks try doing Cardio for 30 mins and strength training for 30 minutes.Alternating days (arms & legs). Give yourself 1 day of rest if you don't already.

    You might see a difference.
  • sarahtroupe
    Thank U so much I will keep this is mind:)
  • sarahtroupe
    OMG funny u say that i eat lunch meat everyday.... OMG.....
  • sarahtroupe
  • racheyanne1
    Try not to get frustrated. I lost 4 pounds my first week, then the second week I gained back 1.4 pounds. Now into my third week - no clue but, I'm trying not to get frustrated myself. It's a long process. If it were a quick process to lose weight, myfitnesspal prolly wouldnt exist. I sent you a friend request....we can motivate each if need be. I understand exactly what you're saying though - I'm getting frustrated too. =(
  • JLBenton
    Wow... in less than 30 mins and all my words of wisdom came shooting out in a chorus of support!

    Here's what I've learned from my dietitian/physical therapist. My caveat here is that I'm a LARGE lass hoping to lose my weight before going under the knife (gastric bypass). That said, I have been tossed into the category of 'fit-fat' - a person who does all the correct things and still struggles losing weight (diet/exercise):

    * Start your workout program with a minimum of 4x/week @ 45 mins of activity. You're shooting for a total of 180 mins. MIX IT UP! While cardio DOES burn more calories, muscle (in the long run) burns more calories. Make sure you're not neglecting your strength training. Currently, I do cardio (machines, zumba) approx. 3x/week, and then swim laps (which counts as both strength training and cardio) 1-2x/week. If I only swim once, I lift the other day. I try to take 2 days off during the week to let the body rest.

    * Keep your calories between 1200-1500 calories/day. This sounded SO challenging, but it's not if you make the correct choices. Most days, I find myself struggling to cross 1200. And it's OK to eat a bedtime snack. I suffer from migraines, and found when I started eating with the caloric boundaries, they shot through the roof (the culprit likely low-blood sugar). Saving enough calories to have a (relatively) low calorie, high fiber-high protein bedtime snack was great for staving that off. If you're looking for ideas, I'm more than happy to share some with you.

    * Use a food scale and your measuring cups/spoons. It's a pain.... it's inconvenient... but you will find that your 'eying' the amount of food is rarely accurate, at least at first. Be diligent and be steadfast.

    * Examine the types of calories you're consuming. As my doctor likes to tell me (regularly), "You can still overeat on oranges, and eat 10,000 calories of oranges... and gain weight." Again, there are some amazing tricks that I've learned that have helped me make it through the day if you're curious. Empty calories are the bane of your existence. Alcohol. Sugar soda. Heck, diet soda isn't good for you - I know, I was drinking ... um ... let's just say that the Coca-Cola company probably took a serious hit to their quarterly sales now that I've been soda-free for (almost) a full week. At approximately 2 liters/day (and some days more), there's a lot of sodium and other unhealthy/unsavory stuff in soda that will deter weight loss.

    * Variety is the spice of life. Literally. Different fruits and veggies offer different things that tickle your metabolism and your tastebuds. If you are not a picky eater, use this to your advantage. Especially if you are looking to cut out some of those nasty empty calorie culprits/fatty calorie culprits (like mayo, ketchup, etc.).

    * Water. Water, water, water. OK, I hate water. I am learning to drink it. There are many no-calorie/low-calorie, clear liquid options that are good for you (again, I'll share my info if you're interested). Things like Gatorade, while great when you're parched, are BAD for calories and sugar.

    * Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, be kind and loving to yourself. I didn't think I was losing weight. I saw my doctor on my monthly visit (part of the gastric bypass process), and he said, "Great, you lost #5 over the holidays." I was crushed, I mean, I was working my bum off... and that's the fruits of my labors? The following week, I saw the dietitian, and HER scale said I lost 15# over the last month. Wha????

    * Sometimes, it is a matter of perspective and what your expectations are. Anything between a .5-1# loss/week (per the dietitian) is a healthy, natural, SUSTAINABLE weight loss. This means, YOU'RE RIGHT ON TARGET. Sure, we all want the instant gratification... "I've worked out for 10 days straight and eaten nothing but celery... I should be down three dress sizes.." OK, that's MY perspective... but, our bodies are going to respond and adapt on their own time. Be proud of your accomplishments. What's more important is that you've stuck with it despite your frustrations!

    * AND.... Congrats on your loss!!!