KristenE83 Member


  • @RosieRaz I never felt like I needed support when I was pregnant with my son, but I am feeling it now. IDK if it's because I have 2 babies to carry, or if its my lack of muscle support from the first c section, or just general ligament stretching BUT I did order a belly band thing (Bao Bei?!? Something like that). I will…
  • @katiebrew Congrats on your little girl! I know exactly what you mean about the appts putting your mind at ease. I felt the exact same way this morning.
  • @poke987 I tried running yesterday as well (first time in a while since my first trimester was a cluster lol) and it was terrible. I had this aching sensation in my lower belly and I have lost almost all my endurance. I ordered a belly bra thing to see if that will help though.... we will see! So I had an appt this morning…
  • @RosieRaz I have been wondering the exact same thing. I have no info on it yet but would be interested if anyone else does! On another note, I just got back from vacation (took our almost 4 year old to Disney) and have 2 prego related discoveries. #1 Swimming is strange. They are buoyant! Has anyone else ( @summer8it ?!?)…
  • @poke987 Thats funny.... so maybe they did it at 17 weeks on purpose. Who knows. I will definitely be reassured to see them. I kind of feel uneasy and probably will until I see them again. Good luck with your appointment! So when I got pregnant with my son I was like 40 lbs heavier than I am now. So for the first 5 months…
  • Hi Ladies!!!! I was looking for suggestions about this same topic so here goes.... I'm 14 weeks along with twins. I lost a boat load of weight (not where I want to be but happy with my progress) before this pregnancy and want to not do too much damage/unnecessary weight gain during this pregnancy. I'm 5'9" and was 193…
  • Good news. I will find out at 17 weeks not 20. The nurse scheduled the appointment 3 weeks early. I didn't ask why cuz I don't want them to realize it lol.
  • I have to find out the gender (for sanity purposes). Since we are having 2 I want to make sure we A) have what we need and B ) throw out what we don't.
  • When I was pregnant with my son I found out at 16 weeks and I felt like that took forever. This time I have to wait until 20 weeks which is when they are doing my next ultrasound (I think its going to be 3d... they are calling it level 2). I suppose I could go pay to get it done somewhere else.... but I'm lazy and too busy…
  • I hear you on that one. Everyone in my family wants some gender combination lol. I am just happy with two healthy babies! lol Hopefully the grumpiness passes. I get snappy when I feel uncomfortable too. It's hormones combined with the irritation of all the prego side effects that make a bad combo. Luckily there is a light…
  • No, I have no idea. I won't find out til mid-June at my 20 week ultrasound. He's just guessing. At first he wanted a boy baby and a girl baby but I think he realized girl babies turn into big girls... then he canned that idea lol
  • Hello Ladies! Newbies here. I have been MFP friends with @summer8it for a while and she told me about this group. I'm 14 weeks along, due Oct 22nd.....with twins. These are # 2&3 for us. Our son is almost 4 and very excited to have baby brothers and name them Alex and Crackers. Lol. My first trimester was pretty bad but…
  • Disclaimer: I do not have celiac nor do I eat gluten free... BUT a close family member is so I have tried to incorporate a lot of gluten free items into our diets and tried to find gluten free alternatives for my home. One thing I swear by is the Tinkyada Brown Rice Organic pasta. I love it. I literally prefer it over…
  • Resistance bands, suspension trainers, and weights all can give you an awesome workout relatively quietly. Also, I have found some quick youtube workouts by that aren't very jumpy. Check out popsugarfitness (or something like that). They have an awesome short ab workout that is really mellow but will really work the ab…
  • I'm going to hit my 100 lb loss next week (hopefully lol)... I will add you! Anyone else who wants to friend me, friend away!
  • I think everyone has their own version of "too often". I typically weigh myself every morning, and most evenings. I am looking for trends in my weight. For example, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if I do a really intense workout (ex, running THEN bootcamp, or a mudrace) I will always be 2 lbs heavier the next…
  • I have lost 94lbs (meaning I have successfully lost a boat load of weight) and for some reason have these exact same issues from time to time...right now is one of those times. The difference for me is that I religiously plan my food for work and pre-log everything. I don't, however, do the same for dinners and there lies…
  • THIS!!!!! I started about 2 years ago at a fast walk/slow jogging pace. It took me up until 2 months ago to learn to love my slower pace (which is now about 11:30min/mile). My most recent race pace was for a 5 miler and it was an average 10:00min/mile. But I literally love my slower pace because it gets me farther and more…
  • THIS!!!! Do the 5k. Run when you can, walk when you need to.
  • I'm glad I found this group.... going for 31 miles in October. I will probably crush that goal but I know it's attainable with my other workouts.
  • A 50 lb loss IS a success! Making incremental lifestyle changes IS/ARE success(es). You are doing an awesome job, but don't forget to recognize your achievements along the way! Keep it up.
  • THIS!!!!! I started out doing kickboxing/bootcamps, then I got into running, then rock climbing. I had a gym membership, never used it, and cancelled it. I hate being stuck on a machine and thats how I thought you lost weight. Now I look forward to my "workouts". It's my chance to socialize and have a good time..... oh…
  • Cheats are ok, habits are not. I say as long as you identify there is an issue and work on it, you are one step better than before. I'm currently working on eating less chocolate and pasta (mmmm chocolate lol). But I WILL cheat and it WILL be delicious and it will also be in moderation.
  • So far so good! I'm not sure if the scale has dropped but I'm feeling good! I still need to imput my weight from last week (work comp blocks google docs, ipad/iphone can't edit it.... ef! lol) But I will make time to do it this Friday.
  • I've been buying organic brown rice pasta (found in the gluten free section). Calorically it's not much different than regular pasta but it definitely fills me up and keeps me satisfied longer than regular pasta. Look for the Tinkyada brand (comes bagged not boxed). It's absolutely way more money than regular pasta but I…
    in Pasta? Comment by KristenE83 August 2014
  • KristenE83 Challenge Start 196 Goal 176 BMI 28.9 Awesome challenge idea! Super pumped!
  • Thanks everyone!!! I think I fixed the pics... what a pain lol If anyone needs motivation don't hesitate to add me.
  • I log everything (minus some spices? but I usually overlog so I figure that counts for stuff like that)... except booze lol I don't drink very often so when I do, I say ef it!
  • Great info Sally! Idk how I didn't know about that 5k in Southie. I might get some people together and go! Thanks!
  • This is awesome!!!!! So true, you can't break us Bostonians. Nothing ever has and nothing ever will. Thanks for sharing!!!