

  • jenn -- so glad you're here. your quote is so right: life is short! so let's feel and look as sexy as we can while we're living it!
  • This is awesome! You can do it! I'm going for 20 lbs by August 14 so we can be in this together! So glad you're here :) Welcome!
  • WHAT'S UP SINGLE LADIES!!! I'm back on MFP after a five-month hiatus and I'm ready to lose 20 lbs so I can be sexier than ever. Are y'all still up for the challenge???
  • What's up single ladies -- I'm on vacation snowboarding in Colorado so I feel like I get my sexy on every time I run down the mountain! I hope y'all are all having a good holiday and staying with the exercise and eating as right as you can given the season! Don't forget to drink your water!!! I'll be able to post more…
  • Omg Brooke you are so right. Like for me it is never enough that I just "want to look good" or whatever -- there has to be a bigger goal in mind, a more realistic one that has to do with more than just someone else thinking I look like a hottie haha. I'm so proud of you that you're doing a marathon!!! Are you doing a full…
  • GIRLS I NEED YOUR HELP!!! What do y'all do to get back on track when you fall off??? Because when I first joined MFP I was doing sooo well but now I have gained back some of my weight and I am just feeling unmotivated and not good about myself :(
  • Ps: Where's leshawnturner??? She used to be on here all the time! Let's make sure she's still getting her sexy on like I'm sure she is!!!
  • HEY SINGLE LADIES!!!! Ok sooo.... I've been traveling for the past two weeks and since I haven't had my laptop with me, I haven't been recording my foods here on MFP and it's terrible because I've gained a little weight :( It's kind of discouraging but I'm trying not to let that get me down too much. BUT -- during the two…
  • Hey ladies, I have a terrible confession to make -- I have not gotten my sexy on in a long time :( I fell off the healthy eating/exercising bandwagon when I hit a rough week with school. But here I am, back at it, and I need all of you. This group keeps me motivated in a way that others don't: when I fall out of step with…
  • Songbyrd -- GET IT GIRL. omg it sounds like you are just wreckin shop with all your sexiness. For real -- it's very sexy that you are going on these fantastic dates with this sweet guy and yet you're still finding time to eat healthy and get your run on!!! So proud of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • HAPPY SATURDAY, LADIES!!! I've been MIA for a few days because this week was crazy insane, but I'm back and feeling sexier than ever!!! I'm so proud of all of you -- the posts I'm reading are so inspirational and so full of sexy that it makes me just love y'all so much!!! Today I'm going to get my sexy on by cooking!!!…
  • I'M HERE! omg this week was a nightmare with exams and presentations all over the place... yay for it being over! And guess what girls??? I lost three pounds this week!!! yayyyy yayay!!! how are y'all??? i've decided i want to start cooking more instead of just grabbing a quick lean cuisine or whatever. i love to cook and…
  • Hey Girls! Today is feeling like a very sexy day even though I have SO SO SO much studying to do :( But I am still going to get on that treadmill! As for my daily sexy, I need to figure something out for that...I can't let a whole day go by with no sexy! Passion -- That's so awesome that your skinny-girl clothes are…
  • Passion -- love your cute ideas. That reminds me that I should rock some stilettos when I go out tonight...yay for sexy!!! Ok so here's how I got my sexy on today: I met up with an old friend and went off my diet by eating a big bowl of pasta from Johnny Carinos. But I wanted it and it was spectacular so that was grand.…
  • Songbyrd -- Welcome to you as well. I feel ya on the relationship thing, but this group is all about us making Sexy a new way of life. There are lots of people in our past, but only a lucky few will be fortunate enough to be with us in our sexy future :)
  • HAPPY FRIDAY, my hot sexy SINGLE LADIES!!! I can't tell you how excited I am to see how much sexiness exists in this group -- from sexy sculpted shoulders, to sexyfierce taebo sessions, to knee-high boots and cute shirts that fit in all the right places...y'all are really getting your sexy on!!! Leshawn -- so proud of…
  • Some people say "don't go by the scale, just go by how your pants fit" or "only weigh yourself once a week" but that stuff never works for me. I find that it keeps me accountable when I know that I have to weigh-in in the morning. Because what I used to do when I only weighed myself on like Saturdays is that I'd be bad one…
  • PS Brooke -- I weight myself pretty much right when I wake up every morning and it seems to be very I don't see all this crazy fluctuation due to food, water, etc. Plus (and this is silly) I look forward to waking up because I want to run and see if I made any progress! If I didn't, I just get more…
  • Rebecca -- I've been doing the lean cuisine thing this week, too -- I like it because those things can be really yummy and they're so easy! But yeah, I need to start cooking more if I'm going to make this a lifestyle change and not just a temporary thing. Brooke -- THANK YOU for sharing that recipe! Looks so yummy and so…
  • What's up girls, How did y'all get your sexy on today??? I'm not getting as many great ideas as I had hoped because not enough of us are sharing our sexiness! Today I played tennis for two hours and it was a really good day for me precision-wise with hitting/serving. It felt so awesome. And as an extra super sexy measure,…
  • I know how that is with the feeling tired stuff -- I've never been a caffeine person so I can't imagine how it'd be to go off it! Hang in there :) What have you been doing for food stuff this week? Any good ideas I can try?
  • Kimberly I did the same thing last year -- I vowed a year of singleness because I was just hopping around from temporary high to temporary high, never fully content with anything I was doing because I hadn't taken time to work on myself. The year of singleness came and went, and I dated a little, but this year I still…
  • Hey ladies -- So here's how I got my sexy on today: I ran five miles! Woohoo it felt awesome! I hope all of you found ways to make your day sexy, too! Tell us what you did!!! Michelle :)
  • Hey y'all -- Tonight I'm starting a thread called Go Team Go (under the motivation section) and we can share our progress there -- that'll be one unified place we can all post instead of doing individual messages and such. Find it and join me! yay
  • awesome!!! such a great feeling!
  • Ok so I'm back on here real quick to comment on one thing -- the whole "meeting someone" issue. Now I know I'm only 21 and I don't know much about love, but I do know that people walk into your life when you are not actively searching them out. I'd say get involved in cool things -- take a salsa dancing class, join a book…
  • The title of your post made me laugh because it's so honest and I have been there so many times. I've done the slimfast plan and I have this to say about it: it will make you skinny, but it will make you miserable in the process and (in my case) I gained back the weight. But I know some people do it well and successfully…
  • Hi girls! I'd absolutely love to be friends and yes, we can keep eachother accountable. I really like when people share good quotes that motivate them, and I really like the idea of sharing successes (hopefully not too many failures!) with other people. Let's do this thing!
  • Hi girls!!! This is great that so many of us want to work our way towards a Beyonce-style bod!!! Ok here is my challenge to every one of you this week: do one thing every day that makes you feel sexy. That doesn't mean you have to go crazy and hook up with random people, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean do some…