YoungJr42 Member


  • Try drinking a protein shake and eating some type of slow obsorbing carb about 30 minutes before your workout. The carbs will help with your energy levels and the protein will help with your recovery. You can also try some type of pre-workout supplement. Hope this helps a little!
  • The rule of thumb for protein is 1 gram of protein per lb of your goal weight. So, if you're aiming for 130lbs, you should consume 130 g of protein. There are different types of proteins, but it doesn't matter how you get 'em. Your protein's gonna help you build lean muscle, which in turn is raising your metabolism and…
  • I know EXACTLY what you mean! I just got out of a relationship and the change is giving me the blues. It all depends on your reason for losing the weight. If you don't have an appetite, like me right now, you'll probably gain it back when you start to eating agaand get up your calorie intake again. If it's from stress,…
  • The only thing I can think of is try to find out why you're waking up in the middle of the night in the first place. If you don't wake up you can't eat. :-)
  • I'm pretty sure somebody else has said the same thing, but whoever this trainer is probably needs to lose his job. YES, weight training should probably be added to, if it's not already in, your routine, b/c it'll help burn more fat. But it's not the ONLY way you'll lose the weight. I don't know much about Weight Watcher's,…
  • You can have you a home smoothie shop and blend a protein shake w/ fruit. My favorite is a strawberry shake w/ a banana or something w/ strawberry.
  • Yeah, is the S***! Lol! I'd have to say that my favorite part, besides EVERYTHING is the fact that people can ask their questions about what they're doing and not have to feel dumb about doing it. It's like one big support group, ya know. I mean, that's why many people don't succeed at what they're doing...they…
  • Try protein shakes. I have the same problem except I go over my fat ALL THE TIME. So, I'm trying to drink at least 3 protein shakes a day. What I'm using now has 3g of carbs, 1g of fat, 24g of protein, w/ 120 calories in a scoop. I find that strawberry and chocolate are the best flavors, but all of them are tolerable w/…
  • Hey...good answer! I CONSTANTLY try to tell people why they shouldn't lose over 2lbs a week, I say it's unhealthy, etc, etc, and I know why, but I'm never able to fully explain it, so the people I'm telling don't think or care if I know what I'm talking So, this post will kinda help me support the information…
  • The rule of thumb for protein is, whatever your target weight is, you wanna consume the same amount of grams of protein. So, a target weight of 125 will call for 125g of protein. And if it goes over, it's cool, b/c protein helps add lean muscle which constantly burns fat. Hope this helps. Good luck!!
  • Part of losing weight and getting healthy means getting enough sleep, so think about it this way...when they're eating that ice cream, you should probably be trying to get some sleep anyway. :tongue: When they pull it out the freezer, it must mean it;s bedtime. And if that's not possible, buy something better for…
  • I bought it for my girlfriend as a gift. She has a hard time making to the gym with her schedule. I'm not sure when she'll be starting, but she's my only friend on here if you want to ask. I'm thinking about trying it myself.
  • MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Just left the gym! Put in my few minutes of cardio (I don't add my actual workout)! Now, I plan on eating ANY and EVERYthing I want to until 11:59pm on 12/25/09! Merry Christmas! :bigsmile:
  • Congratulations on your progress! But just so you don't add unneeded stress to your life (which can affect weight loss), IF you're working out along with cardio and eating right, you may not lose much weight, b/c you can put on muscle which weighs more than fat, but more important, your body fat % will go down. So, keep up…
  • I basically skimmed through the other comments, so I'm not 100% sure what everyone has said, but I'm sure it's all good advice. The one thing that I want to stress that I try to tell people that ask me about fitness, weight-loss, etc is, like SHBoss said, there's no magic pill and no one thing will make you like the girls…
  • The rule of thumb is, your grams of protein should match your target weight. So, if your target weight is 125lbs, you should be eating 125 grams of protein a day. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Not sure what your profile says, but a rule of thumb is, you should eat the same amount of grams of protein of your target weight. So, if you're aiming at 125lbs, you should eat 125 grams of protein. So, your profile may say one thing, but eating more protein isn't really bad. That's why you can customize your profile. As…
  • Just Do It! - Nike Lol! That's what I tell myself when I don't feel like doing a set in the gym or going to the gym PERIOD!
  • I knew there had to be a few more Saints fans on here! Who Dat?
  • kimiquious said it best...get your hubby to workout with you. But at the same time, sometimes your body and mind just need the time off. So, take a month out the year, although November (or December) is probably a bad month with the holidays, and relax and do nothing. As long as you're taking the stairs, not getting out of…
  • I've eaten like 290 calories today and don't plan on eating again before the big meal... :-) But my plan is to log 3500 misc calories (I like to put more just in case when I'm guessing and I usually go a few hundred calories over or under my daily goal, so I take an average for the week to see how I've done) for that meal,…