betweenthebirds Member


  • I actually looked into a program today for running... there's a free info session coming up that I'm hoping I can head to to get some more information. Funds are tight but once I finally get to see my husband at some point tomorrow (hah!) I'll be discussing it with him to see if we can swing it to help me out. As far as…
  • Alright, I think I've got it all figured out now and will give this a try. I averaged my entire last month of FB use and got about 2400 average TDEE. I've got myself set to slightly active on MFP with a 0.5 lb expected loss per week, so my goal is 1860 cals/day. One thing I think I need to do is get into the mindset that…
  • That's where I'm a little confused as to how I should set it... I have MFP set to sedintary but I have a customized goal of 1520. I have my FB linked to MFP with the same goals set for both, so the amount I mentioned in my previous post is my FB compensating for calories I did burn throughout the day yesterday with my…
  • Question about the accuracy of a FitBit. I own a FBOne, but I'm constantly questioning how accurate it is with the calories it projects? I do work on my feet 40 hours/week (I work as a vet tech so I average 7000 steps in one work day... on my long days it's 10,000), and then I'm pretty active on top of that, but I feel…
  • Sounds good. Starting today with the recommendations. You can lock this thread and I will give you an update in 2 weeks. Thanks.
  • I have a question regarding the 1500 calories with exercise. I exercise pretty much daily... should I be eating back any of my exercise calories? Or strictly stick to 1500 calories regardless of how much exercise I do? I've read your posts about this topic, but I'm not sure what to do in this case. I guess I'm asking...…
  • Still waiting for a reply to my update... and also want to add that my weight the last 3 days has been as follows: 159.8, 163, and 162.8. My TOM starts tomorrow, but again, I'm having issues with my BCP and basically had a regular period two weeks ago in the middle of my BCP month and have been spotting since here & there.
  • Two week update: I weighed in two days ago at 158.6. I have been logging 100% honestly for all but the first 2 days of the last two weeks. I stupidly kept aiming for 105g protein for the first week for some reason (I have no freaking clue why, when I knew it was 110), but the last week I have been aiming for 110. On…
  • Hello all! Feel free to add me, also - diary is public & I log everything! I love seeing what everyone else eats on a daily basis. :)
  • Just checking back - it's been a few days since you said I should have a response. No worries if you need a few more days.
  • YES. Thank you for this post.
  • So here's an update since the middle of April: Since then, I changed my workout routine and have added more serious strength training. Overall I have actually gained 4 lbs and averaging 159.6 and have been maintaining at this for about a month, but my measurements have dropped just a little. A few weeks ago I decided to up…
  • The last 3 weeks I have increased my activity as compared to what I had been doing previously. I have been running and/or using the elliptical/treadmill on an almost daily basis (Mondays are pretty much my only day I'm unable to hit the gym or go for a run; I've been doing a workout video, such as HIIT, or I have done the…
  • Currently I do very intermittent strength training. Once or twice a week of mild training. I've just started to incorporate HIIT into my workout and will probably continue with this once or twice a week as well. Over the holidays there were times where I did not log completely, or had more bites of something than I logged,…
  • Oops! Sorry, thought my diary was public. It should be viewable now. I believe I did answer a of those questions in my initial post. I should add that overall I have lost 65 lbs total in a course of 1.5 years, have been at a plateau for about 6 months after (Trying to lose for a total of 2 years now) and all of my activity…
  • I love my FT7. I've had it for a good 6 months now, if not longer. It measures calories just as any other HRM would. It doesn't deduct anything, it just measures calories based on your specifics (gender, height, weight, etc.) and HR. I would recommend deducting a certain percentage of your choice just for error's sake. I…
  • Hello! I'd been in a rut for a looong time before I started using MFP about a month ago & once I started here & made a few new friends who gave me encouragement it definitely helped get me back in the swing of my weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend! :) Congrats on the weight loss so far; that's awesome!
  • I haven't done the maintenance for a few weeks then going back to deficit route, but I was reading up on it on some of the other posts. It'd be a last ditch effort but maybe it might work. :) Thanks for the suggestion!