JetsetterBabe Member


  • It could be so many different things. Low blood sugar, holding your breath while lifting, bad posture, etc. What is your routine pre and post workout look like?
  • You could be craving the actual flavor rather than the food item. Maybe satisfy that flavor craving with a vegan option. And documentaries others suggested should do the trick. I would recommend Earthlings as well.
  • Fyi oreos are not vegan. Food blogger friend contacted Nabisco and they started that the sugar is sourced from two different sources, one of which isn't vegan. If you're plant based, this is not a problem. If you are actually vegan, it is since sugar production utilizes bone char. OP, plant based (not vegan) doesn't always…
  • I lost 51 lbs a few years ago without any exercise. Just a strict diet. I haven't gained anything back yet. But I don't see how cardio can make anyone fat.
  • I am not suggesting anything as that isn't my study. But your comments make it clear, when you resort to insulting someone is when you actually have nothing to say. So next time don't say anything at all.
  • It's in the SAME article. Which you clearly did not read. I have made NO proposition. The science is there and is backed by doctors, including my personal ones. Unless you're one of them, I am not interested in your opinion. That's that.
  • Actually they do tell you, it's on the label. There are homemade or commercially produced personal care products available for sale that don't contain heavy metals or other chemicals you are referring to. You dont have to be rich, just willing to seek them out.
  • I am not interested in a debate unless you're a medical professional or a researcher (not the same as an expert googler), but you're quoting out of context. The article doesn't cite direct association, but what it does say is this: "High levels of galactose, a sugar released by the digestion of lactose in milk, have been…
  • I agree that you can't eliminate all risk factors for illness or disease, but wouldnt you want to eliminate all that you can control?
  • There are other things to eat besides grass that arent dairy and meat (which by deficinition includes sea animals). But thanks!
  • Both Harvard and Columbia have published findings on dairy and its ill effects, some as grave as contributing to cancer. Countless doctors advise against consuming dairy (including my father's doctor). Your bones depend more on vitamin D from what I understand.…
  • It appears we weren't identifying ourselves for the OP to have crated this thread. You and logic don't get along, do you?
  • I'm at 1200 but I'm vegan so that cuts out a lot of fatty, high cal foods out of my diet. Usually breakfast consists of sprouted grain toast with homemade almond butter, or a meal replacement shake, or a bowl of berries and banana. Lunch will be a combination of vegetables turned into soup with beans, or stir fry with…
  • A small bale of hay for me!
  • You are definitely not a vegan if you eat animal products. You could however you say you follow a plant based diet. I think people are confusing eating a plant based diet with veganism. Besides avoiding animal products (no matter how little), veganism reaches far beyond what one eats. It includes avoiding leather, fur,…
  • That's what I was getting at....
  • That was my point.
  • Me too! Let's share some recipes! I'm currently at 60% raw, but would love to be 100% for summer time. I've been vegan for almost a decade.
  • A side not on meat eating: unless you're eating biologically appropriate fed animals raised in a pristine environment, you're eating a low quality product. And that varies greatly from the ancestral diet.