cmeride Member


  • cmeride 162 Sunday
  • Hi all. I'm happy to have found this group. This will be my first month with it. I was doing great until Late October when I threw my routine right out of wack. In just 2 short months I can see and feel the difference in my body, health and energy. I'm looking forward to getting back on track. My main goals for January are…
  • I washed my bike in September in the shower of a hotel in Ukraine. A great way to stop "Food and Drug reg" from nailing you at airport customs, on your way home.
  • Hello All: I've just found this thread. I've been in other ones Sober October, November and December but they've pretty much fizzled out. 100 Days for me today. Yay! I started Aug 31st. In September, when I started abstaining, I told people that I drank enough in July and August that I should be able to coast right through…
  • November group has started.
  • Thank you Salleewins for creating this group. Today is day 60 for me. I'm down 14lbs and feel great. I'm definitely in for Sober November. Congrats, to those of you who are able to drink in moderation. I'm surrounded by alcohol and its very hard to pick…
  • I started on August 31st for "Sober September", then "Sober October" and am doing really well. More than happy to continue on through November. I'm actually trying to make it to New Years. A drink is never just one a day, it becomes 3 or more That leads to extra empty calories, and poor eating choices. Drinking affects my…
  • Day 50 for me. Yay! A daily drinker for 25+ years, surrounded by high functioning daily drinkers. The "start tomorrow" gang always hovering close by. Every day that went by, was another day I didn't follow my dreams, goals or passions. Now, I'm 50 days closer to achieving them. I'm exercising, eating healthy, loosing…
  • Day 39 for me. I spent last night with friends, who got polluted. We played darts and I was the only one who could add the scores. It was quite funny in a sad way. Water is my friend. It was so nice to wake up this morning with a clear head and know I made the best choice. I didn't miss a thing. Stay strong people, you're…
  • Held up to the pressure. I was visiting last night and was shocked at one person who kept trying to get me to drink. I am a daily drinker who gave it up for Sober September and am still going strong and all in for sober October. I feel great, the bloated face is gone, I'm exercising, loosing weight, sleeping well and off…
  • I drink/drank every day because it's always around me and I make homemade wine. There are so many reasons not to drink, I don't understand why I do it. I did sober September in 2014 and lasted 10 months. Soo, I'm just finishing Sober September 2017 and I feel fantastic. I'm all in for Sober October. Good luck all!
  • “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ― Confucius, Confucius: The Analects
  • 'Sober September" was a great success for me. I didn't drink a single drop of alchohol. I woke up every morning feeling good and with a clear head. I ate sensibly, healthy, excercised, stayed 100% focused and lost a total of 9lbs in my 1st month. It was well worth the effort and I'm up for the challenge of "Still Sober in…
  • “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ― Confucius, Confucius: The Analects You will be amazed at how quickly you begin to feel great. Stay focused
  • I have been excercising since Sept 1st, but really avoided my rowing machine because it's hard and it burns within the 1st minute. My goal for today was to get on it and row to the best of my ability. I stuck it out for 10 minutes but paused a lot along the way.
  • Hi everyone, my name is Rena My introduction to cycling started in 2008 when I heard about a 2200km ride around the perimiter of Poland. I signed up for the tour and then bought a bike. I had 4 months of self training before the trip and it worked out great. What an experience. But even then, in kindness the other cyclist…
  • Bunnylion This is what I know for sure. I have drank my whole life and I have been fighting the battle of the buldge all my life. It comes down to this. I love riding my bike, long distances. I can't ride my bike if I'm over weight, out of shape and my knees are hitting my boobs. I also can't loose weight and stay on an…
  • From Barrie On. I'm in Newfoundland now
  • ChronicOptimist you seem to have just about mastered alcohol-free living/dieting. Good for you. 60lbs gone is a great accomplishment. I've been dry, dieting and exercising for 6 whole days. You are an inspiration.
  • Thats great kalinbeima, I just started tracking this week too. The timing was perfect. All the best to you! LoneWolfRunner, My cute little beer belly isn't so cute or little anymore. :drinker:
  • You may have just hit a plateau if you've been at it awhile. This is where your body looses size instead of pounds. Otherwise you need to shake it up a bit. Your body adapts quickly to excersie and you need to change it often. Good advice from harribeau, weighing, measuring and logging your intake is crucial. Good luck.
    in Stuck Comment by cmeride September 2014
  • Out on friday night to a BBQ. Everyone was having a few beers and coolers. I was quite bored but I made it through the evening with my club soda. No extra calories and I won't be feeding a hangover tomorow. Chrisoldryod, jenniferpierc, and 13bbird13 welcome and goodluck to Sober September.
  • never_gonna_s, you are a welcome addition and an inspiration.
  • Weekend is here, Yikes! I'm invited to a BBQ this evening. The pressure will be on. Hang in there. Welcome to the challenge xo_jenny DarkMoon30, my birthday is in November too. When I get through Sober September, I'll consider "Sober in October" I like to drink but all those extra calories have taken thier toll. Good luck
  • I started making my own wine last winter. Nice wine for less than $1.00 a bottle. It was just to easy to drink whenever I felt like it. The pounds came on fast and furious. I've put off making more. JimJamms85, Guybrushthree, Throoper, Acollis1, mundaycarroll, and DarkMoon 30, Welcome and goodluck to the "Sober September…
  • Bad enough drinking but I feed a hangover too.