

  • I'll join ya! I did my test today and was at a level 3. I will start the program on Monday. Thanks for the post, the invite and the challenge. I needed that. :wink:
  • You have come to the right place for motivation! When I first started MFP, I was not motivated either. In fact sometimes I logged in for a week, sometimes I wouldn't log in for weeks... What helped me is all the comments from people...seeing "Melinda has logged in for 20 days now"! At first I wasn't motivated to workout…
  • I stopped using sugar because I prefer to use those 15 cals a tsp on something else. I was using splenda but now I use Trevia. I like it much better than Splenda.
  • What is the 30 day shred?
  • I "try" to eat good on the weekdays because I know on the weekends I will go over my calorie intake. I LOVE pizza and we normally order pizza on Saturdays. I try to fit in an extra workout during the week so I can enjoy. Perhaps if you know you are going out to eat on Saturday and then Sunday eat at your mom's...cut out…