boegeholda Member


  • Well it's good to see that you acknowledge a problem exists, now is about changing your habits. If you're bored, find something to occupy your time! I saw you mentioned mountain biking as a hobby, and I see a very cute little kitten in your profile pic, why not see if you can volunteer at an animal shelter? When I lived in…
  • For me I get exhausted mentally and physically if I don't see the sun for multiple days in a row (e.g. Midwestern winters in a nutshell). I also take Vitamin D supplements because I've had blood tests and I'm deficient. If your sluggishness is impacting your ability to be a functioning human being, I'd get a blood test and…
  • Ha- it's not aunt flo - I'm really leaning towards SAD since I've tried to rule out other simple remedies. Maybe I'll try a light. I have been Welbutrin before and weaned off it. It really helped and didn't seem to have any severe side effects.
  • Yeah it might be's been grey for several days in a row. As I mentioned in my original post, I don't have any signs of sleep apnea, and I have had a blood panel done so I'm ruling out any deficiencies, other than vitamin D. I'm seeing a nutritionist next week (free with my employer's health care program!) to…
  • my boyfriend and I notice our moods improve when we cut out alcohol (or stick to 1-2 drinks when we do drink) and stick to exercise. We like the treadmill/elliptical machines mainly because along with depression and anxiety, we both have temper issues, so I take out stress on the treadmill. Hiking in the woods for a few…
  • As a Biologist - YES ON THE ALKALINE THING! Homeostasis is still taught in basic high school bio, right? Your stomach is acidic, so as soon as any alkaline food hits your stomach, well that's the end of that! CaCO3 will buffer your stomach acid a little bit if you're having acid reflux, but other than that any alkaline…
  • Unsolicited advice - like a woman at the gym after I asked her a question about a particular program and she felt the need to tell me that "if I want to see results in a few months I need to do strength training and not just cardio" because she saw me that day on the treadmill. Like 1- nice thinly veiled fat shame 2- how…
  • I am having the same issue! At home, it's way easier because I always have a cup of tea or some soda water with lemon near me and I'm content drinking that instead of booze! Social situations kill me because I want to drink if everyone else is, especially if there's a new beer or cocktail to try. I'm trying to reduce the…
  • As a biologist - I love this thread. The MFP community is always great with these kinds of posts! I love the de-bunking of miracle cures while at the same time being supportive of someone's weight loss journey. The internet doesn't have to be a terrible place! And ljcreekmore - you're definitely not alone in your weight…
  • beans and rice are a complete protein! And there's a lot of variety you can do with them. I just made a big batch of cuban style black beans and they are delicious. And of course, soy is a complete protein on its own. Also- this website might help you out:
  • Definitely: Talk to your therapist. Maybe: stop logging your food and your calorie intake if this is psychologically stressing you out. If counting calories is causing disordered eating, then stop unless your therapist/health care provider recommends that you log food intake (given that they understand your issue with…
  • I'm a beginner myself, but I started doing poses on the Wii-Fit and enjoyed it. I have a friend who teaches yoga and I went to an all-levels easy class with her one day. Then I just started going to my campus rec center. I think hatha yoga is slower, while vinyasa is more flow oriented and faster paced. Bikram is the super…
  • Cool! Thanks everyone. There is a pilates class that I can take at the fitness center on my campus, so I will look into that as well. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that you don't have to do/enjoy crazy intense workouts to be healthy. I also get discouraged with my asthma since I used to do Insanity workouts 4-5 days a…
  • This one co-worker that I couldn't stand told me how she went to an abs class, and that I should go to so I could "lose my belly" and I told her I wasn't interested and she kept pushing. I had been riding my bike to and from work every day (besides the fact that you can't spot tone. She has a Ph.D. in some biology field).…
  • Hell yeah, dude! My Uncle did the same thing...He stopped drinking alcohol and eating fast food and started running. At first he could only run a couple hundred yards at a time, but he kept pushing and now he's a marathon runner! He's kept at it for a few years now. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • I know this post is older, but I just got Invisalign yesterday so I was seeing if anyone else posted about eating with it! I am just concerned that I will eat more during meals because I will be eating less frequently. Have you had luck sticking to your goals with the Invisalign? How is the process going? My freaking mouth…