

  • same here!
  • Wow! Thank you for the suggestion(s). You're right, I'm not really trying to lose more weight. But I am a health-conscious person, thus, I try to eat healthy food as much as possible (amidst the city lifestyle). I know nothing about weight training. I don't have time to go to the gym. Moreover, i heard that if you stop…
    in Hi pal! Comment by EstelaJS October 2012
  • Good luck to you as well! Happy counting calories :)
  • Same here! It's also my first week. That's right, it's now time to mind your food intakes. Live healthy so you can live longer and help more! ^_^
  • YOU CAN DO IT !!!! There's no age limit nor requirement for a person to decide to become healthy. Set an example to your family and to every person you know. Be an inspiration :)