New to this, first week

not sure about the calories burned in my exercise. I seem to not be able to eat all cal,carbs,ect... Have any suggestions, that will help me? I work third shift, 10p-6a. I am trying to get on a good eating,sleeping and exercise plan. I am a widow and it is easier to not cook, sometimes, since I do not have to take care of my family, now. My children are all grown and out on their own, now. Time for me now. I am pretty active in my community, volunteering. I do not take the time to eat properly and tend to make wrong choices for myself. This a big life style change, for me. Not to just grab a coffee and something sweet, to keep me going...Help, I can use all the support, I can get. lol!


  • Same here! It's also my first week. That's right, it's now time to mind your food intakes. Live healthy so you can live longer and help more! ^_^
  • I'm in the same boat - I work late and it's difficult to muster up the energy to cook when you live alone and have nobody to share it with. I can recommend simple, healthy choices that are quick to cook and easy to clean up - I have little time to deal with the mess of complicated dishes, haha. I can also recommend healthier fast-food choices, depending upon what route you want to take in easing yourself out of those bad habits :).
  • Someone once mentioned to me that starting out your day (whenever you get up) with something sugary usually gets you craving more sugar, which sets you off to a bad start. Sugar sets off a phenomenon of craving more - try to avoid it and fried foods. I've only been on MFP for 3 weeks, only lost 1 lb so far and I have been hungry. It takes the body time to adjust, so be patient and perservere:smile:
  • Feel free to add me. I am on here all the time. I love to help in any way I can. If you have questions feel free to message me and ask. If I don’t know I can find out. My uncle is a doctor and in to holistic medicine so he will almost always know. I look forward to getting to know you all and helping in any way I can.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I keep precooked meats and fresh veggies readily available to quickly turn into a healthy omelet, stir-fry, or grilled wrap using Mission brand Carb Control flour tortillas. You can find preseasoned raw chicken breasts that you can cook in 30 mins in the oven, then portion out for several meals. Also Butterball turkey sausage is great sliced and heated in the microwave, or diced and added into an omelet or breakfast wrap. Fat free shredded cheese is a great tasty protein addition.
    I sprinkle sunflower seeds on my salads for an added protein/good fat/ and change up taste and crunch to a normal salad.
    Also keep almonds or other nuts handy where I can throw a serving into a snack sized baggie and keep in my purse in case I get caught out longer than expected.
    Peanut butter on whole grain bread is an easy quick and healthy lunch.
    Frozen veggies are great to keep on hand for a quick side dish with a lean meat dinner choice.

    It takes a little planning, but once you get in the groove, it is very doable to eat healthy, no matter what your schedule is.
    Hope this helps.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Don't worry about trying to eat all your exercise calories. Everyone is different and we don't all need to eat them back. Just get a good healthy balance of foods and if you are really hungry, eat a little more, if you aren't hungry, don't force yourself to eat.
  • I've had good luck with the South Beach Diet. I get results really fast and it seems to keep my blood sugar under control really well. Also, reading the "success Stories" thread really inspires me!! One of my favorite things is to get ready to eat grilled chicken at the store and I often add those to a green salad for dinner. Quick, easy, and works on my diet!! I also use V-8 juice for snacks since I can have all I want and it fills me up. Plus, there's no preparation!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Don't worry about trying to eat all your exercise calories. Everyone is different and we don't all need to eat them back. Just get a good healthy balance of foods and if you are really hungry, eat a little more, if you aren't hungry, don't force yourself to eat.

    Agreed! Sometimes i cant meet calories, but I am never hungry at all during the day (because 80% of my diet are vegetables!)

    If you want to be healthier then you can find time to do things - precook, workout, log, etc. I tell you now its easy once you get it down, and its addicting. Then you get a better body, confused on how you did it? Well look at your logs and mimik what you have been doing, cut out whats not working. You have to change, you have to have the will power, I am a new dad with a 12 hour day and i still find time to take care of myself because its important! Dont give up!
  • This is a great place, welcome. You don't have to eat back all the exercise calories, eat back what you need. Track everything, drink plenty of water where you can. Get healthy choices. Take measurements, it helps. There will be a time where the scale will not cooperate and u will need to readjust ur diet and exercise intensity. Good luck on ur journey.
  • 20lbsofbutter
    20lbsofbutter Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a college student meaning that I have to make easy meals or I tend to eat out. I also am a pescatarian, so I don't eat anything besides seafood, eggs, and veggies.

    I would love to help you along on your journey! Feel free to add for support! I've already lost 16 pounds since the summer, and I'd love for you to join along in the ride! :)
  • Hello! My name is Amanda.

    SInce you are always on the go it sounds like and don't really want to take the time to eat. Then I have something that will fit into your busy life style. Its called Visalus Body by Vi 90-day challenge. It has amazing results and it is life changing. It is very easy and simple to make, and it would help save you money on your grocery bill. Check out this webpage:

    I am 27 years old and I am on this challenge myself but I am also promoting this to those because I want to help others get healthy either by the nutrients, buidling muscle tone or simply shredding a few pounds or more. I want to lose 100+ pounds and in two weeks of being on this 90-day challenge I have lost a total of 10 pounds and dropped 4 pant sizes. The first week I lost 6 pounds without even exercising and the second week I lost the other 4 pounds and seeing a differences in my clothes fitting me. I am in week 3 of my challenge and I am so pumped up and loving this challenge. In only one shake you are giving your body the nutrients it needs every day for less than 2 dollars.

    If you enroll with me I will provide you with recipes, healthy snack ideas, etc., and especially the motivation to help you reach your goals you have for you. So what are you waiting for, lets get started with the challenge today so you can give your body what it needs for a change. Its time to think about you. You can email me on here or at Also if you have any questions you can call or text me at (785) 741-1698. Hope to hear from you soon :)
  • Hello! My name is Tammy. :smile:
    Since I quit smoking I have gained someweight and now I need to get rid of it!