Armyx2 Member


  • I really like Asics and you can find them for below normal retail price at TJ Maxx, etc. I also just picked up a Nike pair on sale from Kohls that I'm loving. But I don't pick specific brands. I just try them on, walk around in the store, buy them and feel them out. Rotating between 3 pairs has worked best for me, not even…
  • Everyone on this site thinks they are an expert. Instead of answering the question, they want to hit you with shade. If I binge or eat a little too unhealthy, a long run the next day usually makes me feel better and helps my body feel less like trash. I think the movement and sweating puts me back on track.
  • I'm a distance runner who has noticed that the heat coupled with a bikini fueled focus on reducing my intake has really taken the wind out of my sails. I used to feel great the day after an especially long run, and now I can barely knock out 6 miles without feeling like a slug. I need more sleep, more water, and more of…
  • Get a foam roller and lay on that sucker and just keep on rolling. Seriously. As a distance runner who gets too grumpy if I take breaks to heal, foam rolling has either totally removed my pain or at least decreased it if I make sure to roll before bed and sometimes before a run. This might also be an indicator that the…
    in Running pain Comment by Armyx2 June 2015
  • When I'm working out a lot, I never get a period. Just depends on what is normal for YOU. If you are worried, definitley see your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.
  • I generally try to over estimate if the food is not already provided in the database. I figure that way, I've accounted for calories that might not have even been consumed so I'm not accidently eating more than I know. If you end up actually eating less calories than you really did, all the better!
  • Actually a valid idea. Kind of like improv kettle balls! My bag for class feels like a real work out going up and down the stairs with all that extra textbook weight.
  • Zero cal beverages often have a whole rack of other things in them (like sodium) that could be beneficial for you to track. There can often be carbs coming in the form of drinks you would not expect them to be in!
  • Such a flattering style, you look 20! Congrats on all the awesome changes.
  • I used to only have day long periods before I started the Pill. Since the Pill, I get cramps, am bloated, and notice my mood changes. The good thing about that pesky little pack is that I can plan for the now dreaded time. About a week before, I up my cardio and reduce my sodium intake. I find it is all about preparation.…