

  • I personally don't believe in fasting - you're sending a message to your brain that food is scarce and that starts a whole chain reaction of keeping fat instead of burning it. For me, fasting is what you do before surgery, not as part of a healthy lifestyle. Fasting for religious reasons? Another topic altogether. It works…
  • I use one egg per 2 pounds of ground beef. Also, I add salsa for flavour and moisture. I don't use onion soup mix anymore (especially after I learned to "read" the ingredients).
  • TV dinners are BAD FOR YOU. The added salt is used as a preservative and is not healthy for you. Here's a helpful tip: Instead of buying TV dinners, take a few hours on the weekend and prepare meals ahead. You can cook enough for four people, divide it up into four, then freeze them individually. Presto! This way, you…
  • Agree with you. I have several family members who are Type II diabetic, and it's all due to their diet: pop, chips, white bread, cookies, sugary cereals, etc. One teaspoon of sugar in your coffee or tea a day won't kill you, but eating all that other stuff will. I recently measured out the amount of sugar in a 710mL of…
  • Agree with what you said. We have the same here: my husband is allergic to artificial sweeteners and I have food allergies, so I read EVERY label. Very time consuming, but a necessary evil in our household. I've gradually moved from everything in a package to very little in a package, and that's mostly pop and chips when…
  • If I am having a bad sugar craving, what I do is have a tablespoon of honey from our local grower. I keep it my mouth for a few minutes, and the craving subsides. Natural, local honey is a lot better for you than indulging in a sugary treat which contains more than the sugar you're craving.
  • I've read that it doesn't matter when you eat in a 24-hour period, it's all about net calories. That being said, you do need to let your digestive system do its thing (20 minutes in the stomach for digestion, etc.) So I wouldn't be eating a steak and then hopping in to bed. Your body does go into sleep-time mode, so give…
  • I've never done a cleanse all the way through to the end. Most cleanses are three days and by then, you just feel awful. Plus, you put your body into starvation mode and you end up rebounding and gaining more weight than what you started off with. If you're just starting, this may not be the road to take. I read somewhere…
  • I have food allergies, so I always have a lunch packed in my bag when I'm out for the day. If I am running errands and I'm not sure if I'll be home in time for lunch, I pack a banana. Prepackaged, easy to handle with "dirty" hands, and is easily digested and a good source of quick energy. If you plan your day, there is no…
  • I agree. I switched my carbs from grain-based to vege-based and upped my protein. I find I have more energy and I'm my stomach isn't gnawing at my backbone an hour before meal time.
  • If you're eating the same thing day in and day out, I think you're bound to end up with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Humans were meant to eat a variety of foods (think of seasonal foods: asparagus in the spring, berries in the summer, squash in the fall). It's not just about calories; it's about the nutrients your…
  • You're not alone. Remember that. To start, this is an amazing website with all kinds of tools to help guide you in the right direction. Don't forget, there are lots of books and online forums for healthy lifestyles. Don't ever use the word "DIET"! Use "lifestyle change" instead. Overcome bad habits is 100% psychological.…