This sodium intake is driving me insane

I started the weight loss journey a few weeks before I joined MFP. I lost a few pounds already and I know calories isn't an issue for me(unless it's on cheat days and still I don't go over) the big issue is sodium and this crap is causing me major anxiety. When I buy food now I don't even look at the calories anymore I just look at the sodium. I go beyond my limit almost daily from 2,300 to 3,000 or 3,500 at most and this haunts me. I don't have danger levels high blood pressure either. I keep reading study after study that keeps pointing me in different directions that sodium is either good for you or bad for you. It's making me lose my mind and over think all while binge eating on fruits.

How do I deal with this?


  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Open your diary, maybe someone can have a look and see where you can make changes if needed.

    Do you keep our fluid intake at a good level?

    Why on earth are you binging on fruit?
  • warrio1010
    warrio1010 Posts: 31 Member
    Sodium is an essential mineral and you need to consume it.

    As long as you don't have any related health issues it's not a problem.

    I think the controversy comes from the fact that a low sodium intake lowers blood pressure in those with hypertension, and that overweight and obese people tend to eat high sodium diets and therefore it acts as a scapegoat for conditions that may be caused by their being overweight.

    The above is what I believe to be true from educating myself on nutrition over the last year or so, but I may be wrong.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    if you drink enough water, dont worry about sodium
    too much sodium strips your water

    drink decent amount of water/ 2l-2.5 a day

    the end
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I removed sodium from my tracker. I've never had an issue with it, so I don't bother tracking it. Right now I'm more interested in calories in/out anyway.
  • Cookieman123
    Cookieman123 Posts: 26 Member
    Open your diary, maybe someone can have a look and see where you can make changes if needed.

    Do you keep our fluid intake at a good level?

    Why on earth are you binging on fruit?

    I don't want to open my diary. I'm shy. The sodium comes from sandwiches and TV dinners.

    Fluid intake is a gallon of water or more a day.

    When I get anxiety I get hungry. When I get anxiety I don't think so I grab and eat whatever is closest to me and thankfully it's fruit and not chips.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    You're drinking a massive amount of water, I wouldn't worry about the sodium.
  • Cookieman123
    Cookieman123 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks guys for the helpful and quick posts. Definitely calmed me down quite a bit. I'm gonna take your advice Mr. Morgan and remove it from my tracker. Thanks again.
  • cracklinrosi
    TV dinners are BAD FOR YOU. The added salt is used as a preservative and is not healthy for you.

    Here's a helpful tip: Instead of buying TV dinners, take a few hours on the weekend and prepare meals ahead. You can cook enough for four people, divide it up into four, then freeze them individually. Presto!

    This way, you control what is going into your body. Yes, your body needs salt. I believe it's about 1 tsp. a day. Salt is present naturally in a lot of foods. With a little research (well, maybe a lot of research), and some planning ahead, and you should be set.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I would definitely stay away from the TV dinners. If not for the sodium, avoid them because they are unsatisfying. In my experience, I eat a prepackaged meal such as smart ones, and it has the right amount of calories but does not fill me up at all and I just end up snacking after. My friend calls them "angry meals" for this reason. Learn to make some simple recipes and you'll be much better off, financially and health wise.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    If you don't have hypertension, sodium will not cause it. Hypertension is caused by genetics but can be controlled by diet. If you have a family history, though, you may want to keep an eye on it.

    Otherwise, watching your sodium intake alongside your weight ups and downs may be a good tool to help you gauge when weight gain is water weight and when it's something else (fat or muscle). Just view it neutrally as a tool and it will help you avoid stressing out about it. And keep drinking that water, that's a great thing too.

    Caveat: I am not a physician so please take this with a grain of...erm...
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    I have the same issue - diagnosed with a sodium sensitivity. However, I just love salt is really the diagnosis. The weekends are the worst. Tracking food is great and shows your sodium but doesn't account for the sodium that you add yourself. So, I drink 100 ounces of water minimum a day. Seems to help but some days are worse than others. I'm lucky enough (maybe not) to take BP meds with diuretics so helps with elimination. Put that salt shaker down!