Brujah1981 Member


  • I will admit I prefer shorter hair on women. Nothing bothers me quite like having hair in my face when we're sleeping or cuddling or what have you. Apparently I'm a super minority though. Pixie cuts are cute, but as with all things hair related it really depends on your bone structure/face as to whether you can pull it off.
  • I guess I've never really had this problem. I eat one a day as a snack when I get to work, though it tends to be the majority of the fiber I get in a day.
  • Maple Nut Ice Cream Crispy Critter Cookies at the Movie Theatre Or if I'm feeling slightly hungry after my late night work out: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie at Krolls!
  • You're going to build muscle with all the working out you're doing. That's not a bad thing, as you want definition and tone alongside weightloss. If you're worried that you're just tearing your muscles apart for no reason, then I suggest you slow down your work out schedule. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you will…
  • Ravenous was a great movie btw And is there seriously a guy who thinks people aren't animals? Silly troll
  • I honestly have the same issue. Personally I like to think that my body is crazy dehydrated and just isn't used to the water, so when you drink it goes into "OMG I NEED WATER" overdrive. Even today I rarely drink more than 1 or 2 glasses of water a day (Shame on me I know). I've found that I avoid the irritation that way,…
  • I was quite content with my weight. I had this silly belief that people should like me for who I am, not how I look, and I would have lived the rest of my days that way if I hadn't run into some (potentially unrelated) health issues that made me think losing weight would be worth the work. So to answer your question, yes,…
  • Not to derail anything, but I think it's important that we remind ourselves what obesity is before we start giving our own opinions. It's really not that difficult to be considered "obese" in America, because the definition tends to be based off body fat % and BMI. According to the app here on MFP, a 5'10" male weighing…
  • If you want things that are "current" I'd check out: Inside Amy Schumer (Comedy Central) VICE (HBO) Hemlock Grove (Netflix) If you just want good shows to watch, the following were awesome and you can probably either find on the internet, or buy fairly cheap: Kindred the Embraced Forever Knight Highlander the Series And in…
  • Have you made sure to readjust your goals in MFP? Each week you'll need to let it know your new weight, and then tell it you want to keep losing 2lbs. If you're not doing that, you'll lose less and less each week. I was losing 2lbs a week pretty consistently until I got to the 1300 calorie range, then it just became too…
  • I don't know about that, I'm from Fargo, and all the Canadians from North of us are just the worst, most passive aggressive folk I've ever met. Now the folks I've met from BC, they're cool.
    in CANADA Comment by Brujah1981 April 2013
  • I used to have similar problems with breakfast. Eating anytime before 11 or 12 just wrecked my system and I'd spend a good portion of time in the bathroom. I've had no medical issues eithers, but here's what I noticed: 1) I drank a lot of soda. I could keep soda down in the mornings no problem. I've quit drinking soda…
  • Artic Zero Ice Cream is 150 calories for the PINT! Amazing! Otherwise I buy the Fiber One Brownies. Only 90 calories and helps my craving for sweets.
  • Vodka+Cranberry is always popular. For me though, I go with Diet Dew + Whiskey. Definitely an acquired taste, but it gets me the citrus I like from Mt. Dew and the kick of whiskey.
  • I eat between 1300-1400 a day. I try and snack a bit each day too. Things I've found to help get me through to my meals: Pickles - 0 calories (high sodium though) Special K Chips - These are delicious Fiber One 90 calorie brownie - This gets me my chocolate fix and helps make sure I'm getting enough Fiber, which helps make…
  • For me there was never any denial. I knew I was bigger (about 230lbs) and part of it was "at least I'm not 350" but I knew I was in terrible shape and had a gut. Honestly, I stayed big because I felt like I shouldn't have to lose weight for people to like me. That people should like me for who I am, not how "good looking"…
  • If we're staying old school: Moon Patrol Burger Time Rampage Frogger Galaga Centipede
  • You don't really have to. The big question is whether you drink soda because you love the taste, or because you're addicted to caffeine. When I started my diet I cut all pop out, but after month I started craving it again. Since then I've stuck to either Sparkling Ice (a lightly carbonated flavored water, no calories, no…
  • Pickles. Vlasic Pickles have zero calories, and it's decently filling.
  • I was drinking way too much Mt. Dew and would get horrible headaches if I skipped a day. So after cutting pop out of my diet, the next logical step was watching my other eating habits. The hard part was already over, now it's just about sticking to the plan.
  • It's always hard to answer these kinds of questions because who we were helped us become who we are. I would hate to have missed all my friends because I took a different road in life and just never met them. But if we take that out of the equation I would say, "Skip college, it's for suckers and you make less money than…
  • MFP also doesn't auto adjust your weight, so unless your weighing yourself regularly and updating your profile it will keep assuming you're at the same weight and in five weeks would lose that same 10lbs.
  • The thing with MFP is that it's there for weight loss, not really for toning, which is what you want to do. Once you're at your ideal weight, you will want to change MFP so that your target weight matches your regular weight. Or simply use your BMR and maintain that level of calorie intake. It should be quite a bit above…