Weight loss or Muscle

I'm here to lose weight ...

I'm calorie counting and doing Jillian Michaels shed 4 times a week.
I road cycle at least 3 times a week at least 6.21 miles a time and today I did JM and walk/ran 5kms (3.10 Miles)...
2 days ago I did JM and walk/ran 10kms (6.21 Miles) ..

Legs are very sore now and I'm wondering am I burning more calories to lose weigh or ripping muscles ?

Any opinions would be appreciated



  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
  • Brujah1981
    Brujah1981 Posts: 23 Member
    You're going to build muscle with all the working out you're doing. That's not a bad thing, as you want definition and tone alongside weightloss. If you're worried that you're just tearing your muscles apart for no reason, then I suggest you slow down your work out schedule. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you will lose weight.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Are you eating at a deficit? If so, then you are not going to be gaining muscle mass, at least not much. Most of your activity is cardio. The JM has some strength, but it is not heavy enough to actually build mass, especially if on a deficit. It is good for preserving lbm, as long as you are eating enough calories and protein. Too much cardio, too few calories and protein=loss of muscle mass along with the fat.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Deficit = weight loss.
    Be careful you're not abusing your muscles on a deficit though. In order for them to do their job they need fuel.
    Also, building muscle aids weight loss. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. But you need to make sure you are actually fueling those muscles.
    You need to find a balance. Just cardio isn't always the answer. And make sure you are giving your body breaks to let the muscles repair as well. Consistently beating them will eventually be detrimental.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Are you eating at a deficit? If so, then you are not going to be gaining muscle mass, at least not much. Most of your activity is cardio. The JM has some strength, but it is not heavy enough to actually build mass, especially if on a deficit. It is good for preserving lbm, as long as you are eating enough calories and protein. Too much cardio, too few calories and protein=loss of muscle mass along with the fat.

    This :)
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    You're going to build muscle with all the working out you're doing. That's not a bad thing, as you want definition and tone alongside weightloss. If you're worried that you're just tearing your muscles apart for no reason, then I suggest you slow down your work out schedule. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you will lose weight.

    I've been doing a lot of reading and had already decided last night to take a day off from working out! (still sore)
    I cant possibly sustain working out 7 days a week so will have 2 days break a week ...

    Yes eating at a deficit ..

    Thank you
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Are you eating at a deficit? If so, then you are not going to be gaining muscle mass, at least not much. Most of your activity is cardio. The JM has some strength, but it is not heavy enough to actually build mass, especially if on a deficit. It is good for preserving lbm, as long as you are eating enough calories and protein. Too much cardio, too few calories and protein=loss of muscle mass along with the fat.

    Eating to a deficit ..
    keeping my protein up and watching my intake of carbs ..

    I'm also working on a new strategy today and will mix up my workout and incorporate more weights
    and alter my food as well ...

    Thank you
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Deficit = weight loss.
    Be careful you're not abusing your muscles on a deficit though. In order for them to do their job they need fuel.
    Also, building muscle aids weight loss. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. But you need to make sure you are actually fueling those muscles.
    You need to find a balance. Just cardio isn't always the answer. And make sure you are giving your body breaks to let the muscles repair as well. Consistently beating them will eventually be detrimental.

    I haven't really been taking a break .. and that's changing as of today!

    I'm going to take 2 rest days a week and work more on my diet and incorporate more weights!
    I guess I am mainly doing cardio because I work out at home.

    I feel a lot healthier already and need to push on and from what I have been reading more muscle will burn fat and it takes a lot for a woman to over do it in weights ..

    Thank you
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Deficit = weight loss.
    Be careful you're not abusing your muscles on a deficit though. In order for them to do their job they need fuel.
    Also, building muscle aids weight loss. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. But you need to make sure you are actually fueling those muscles.
    You need to find a balance. Just cardio isn't always the answer. And make sure you are giving your body breaks to let the muscles repair as well. Consistently beating them will eventually be detrimental.

    I haven't really been taking a break .. and that's changing as of today!

    I'm going to take 2 rest days a week and work more on my diet and incorporate more weights!
    I guess I am mainly doing cardio because I work out at home.

    I feel a lot healthier already and need to push on and from what I have been reading more muscle will burn fat and it takes a lot for a woman to over do it in weights ..

    Thank you

    Good answer, sounds like you have a good plan to work to :)
    See if you can pick up some dumbbells cheap so you have some at home. And I don't mean one weight set, I mean rods with plates you can adjust.
    And I would start with squats. Its the king of body weight exercises :)
    And once you've gone through body weight you can pick up a barbell and add weight and keep going.
    There are some apps that will give you a training program for working through squats and building on them. This will tone and build a little muscle, but once yous legs are good and strong they'll do a lot of the fat burning for you.
    Good luck!
    Be safe and be strong.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    For me, both. I need to lose fat and get stronger. My plan includes lifting weights for 4 hrs a week, and cardio for 6 a week. And keeping my carbs low, protein a little higher.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Deficit = weight loss.
    Be careful you're not abusing your muscles on a deficit though. In order for them to do their job they need fuel.
    Also, building muscle aids weight loss. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. But you need to make sure you are actually fueling those muscles.
    You need to find a balance. Just cardio isn't always the answer. And make sure you are giving your body breaks to let the muscles repair as well. Consistently beating them will eventually be detrimental.

    I haven't really been taking a break .. and that's changing as of today!

    I'm going to take 2 rest days a week and work more on my diet and incorporate more weights!
    I guess I am mainly doing cardio because I work out at home.

    I feel a lot healthier already and need to push on and from what I have been reading more muscle will burn fat and it takes a lot for a woman to over do it in weights ..

    Thank you

    Good answer, sounds like you have a good plan to work to :)
    See if you can pick up some dumbbells cheap so you have some at home. And I don't mean one weight set, I mean rods with plates you can adjust.
    And I would start with squats. Its the king of body weight exercises :)
    And once you've gone through body weight you can pick up a barbell and add weight and keep going.
    There are some apps that will give you a training program for working through squats and building on them. This will tone and build a little muscle, but once yous legs are good and strong they'll do a lot of the fat burning for you.
    Good luck!
    Be safe and be strong.

    I've got weights here (maybe dumbbells) or these names and terms are new to me!

    I've got 2 dumbbells with a 2.5 lb weight on each end
    and5lb weights/plates x 4 for both as well ...

    I'll start with the light ones and do squats with them as well!

    Just back from the shops and got egg whites and low carb protein shake powder
    as well as grocery's for the new plan.

    Thanks so much :))x
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    For me, both. I need to lose fat and get stronger. My plan includes lifting weights for 4 hrs a week, and cardio for 6 a week. And keeping my carbs low, protein a little higher.

    I've been reading a lot of articles up here and online and in magazines the local GNC guy gave me
    Max's Muscle News has a websight also and some great information!

    Good Luck :))x