getstrongkaylen Member


  • maybe try easing it back on the workout length - i find 1hr-1hr30mins is enough for me... OR you can cut back on how many times a week...
  • I personally learned to like the taste of black coffee... For a while there I was forcing it down but now I can't drink anything coffee that has sugar/creamer... I make the baristas at Starbucks remake my drink all the time because they often accidentally put sweetner in it. You can maybe try weening yourself off of it?…
  • I LOVE ZUCCHINI! It's my most favorite vegetable! LOL. I put it in everything and anything - pasta sauce, stir-fry, omelettes, fried rice... I also love it just sauteed with a bit of garlic...
  • vodka & ginger ale with a squeeze of lime!
  • I think it was something that I just got used too. I know exclusively drink black coffee (once in the morning), unsweetened tea, and water... got be careful though as tea and coffee can dehydrate you. there was time i was only drinking water but decided that i wanted a different taste - hence the tea and coffee. i got used…
  • I find that I get nauseous if I eat too close to my workout.. But that's just me. It's different for everyone.
  • 3 meals, 2 snacks in between... i go smaller on the meals and larger on the snacks... it works for me! granted, it's a little more work, but i premake my snacks at the beginning of the week and grab a go... i just find eating every 3 hours keeps the hunger pangs away!
  • i tried it.. lost weight.. it didnt stick though.. you gotta learn how to eat healthfully and this is a long term solution!
  • although calorie wise it is 0, i personally don't like all the artificial stuff.. i almost exclusively drink water, black coffee and unsweetened tea (hot and cold).. i was never a soda drinker because i was never allowed too drink it, but i did drink alot of juice.. so on occasion ill have me a glass of whatever juice im…
  • I am on depo too and I feel your pain! But it is totally doable! I eat 3 smaller meals and 2 larger snacks. This keeps the hunger pangs at bay for me. My meals are normally 300-400 cals & 100-200 cals for my snacks. When I snack, I try to do one veggie snack and one fruit snack a day, with protein. My morning snack is…
  • if you have a gym membership, some gyms may have a hand bike, great for cardio, builds up your heart without using your legs!
  • Although I am not vegetarian or vegan, I do have a few friends that are. I have one who switched because she thought she would lose alot of weight, but she has actually gained. The problem for her was that she was eating alot of starches (pasta, bread) and she would go overboard on the vegan cookies, sweets and treats....…
  • i take two, whey protein and calcium + vitamin d... I only take whey after i workout AND if i didn't enough in the day... i take calcium because im on the birth control shot depo and the dr said i should take it since it weakens bones.. im also not really a dairy person (but i do still eat it)... but other than that, i…
  • This is great! Especially strength training! I do like 2 30 minute cardio a week and 4 days of weight lifting with a 5 minute cool down.. I found that eating a lot a veggies (i still eat fruits, but not as much the veggies) helps. It feels your stomach up so you don't need to eat as much starch and protein.. But i am…
  • blend frozen bananas... works for me everytime... but i do love ice cream... and if i want it, ill get a mcdonalds vanilla cone... its like 170 cals and i can normally work it in to fit my cals for the day
  • i had like to no boobs to begin with (like i was an a- sometimes i could get away with a b), and they still shrunk! (can't do a b anymore!)
  • i think tea helps people because it has basically no calories (about 5 cals) even if you sweetened it, it's not as bad as soda and stuff... so they can drink it without extra cals... i personally drink tea because i only drink water... so tea and coffee is a way for me to get a different taste without going overboard, (i…
  • i log water and my tea and coffee, even though it doesn't have that many calories... but it's basically the only thing i drink now... other than a glass of red wine once in a while!
  • I took a nutrition class last semester, and my professor told me that alcohol is empty calories... It's pretty much void of nutritional value BUT that doesn't stop me! As long as the calories fit into my day, I will have me a glass of red wine(:
  • I have 1-2 drink 1-3 times a week (depends on the week i.e. family coming over, football playoff games LOL) as long as I work it into my calories, its fine for me. A lot times if I'm like going out drinking or something, I'll count it as a cheat day because I'm someone who tends to eat when they drink. But I do that very…
  • one of the biggest things i had to learn is that stuff like that happens... i can't even count how many times. but you just move past it and eat good your next meal. you can't dwell on stuff like that! as long as your not doing it all time, a binge ever once in a while isn't going to hurt!
  • Soda.... but I do love juice! I was never allowed to drink soda when I was a kid, but we drank juice like it was water. Now I realize juice is just as bad... LOL Ohh and I never really was a dessert person.. Some fruit and a little whip cream and I'm good...
  • I follow this. Every 4 weeks, you decrease the reps. The idea is your suppose to lift heavier every time, and eventually the heavier you lift, the less reps you do. There is a full 3 month plan. I also don't follow the supplements and stuff but I do follow the cardio they have. Here's the website:…
  • you can add me if you want!
  • gyukaku (yakiniku restaurant!) it's my mom's b-day and I'm going to have a cheat meal and very excited!(:
  • what I would do is once you lose the weight, slowly up your calories to maintaining. your body is used the calorie deficit because you taught it that, so what you now need to do is teach your body the routine that it'll be in while maintaining. I think a lot people think they are gonna go on a diet, lose all the weight and…
  • squat rack! free weights are the way to go!
  • I say enjoy your vacation! I know, not talking you out of it, but you should live a little and celebrate all the hard work you've done by not worrying about!(:
  • rams! since i was little (around the kurt warner superbowl time!)