fahensley Member


  • Im a little over 6 feet and have always weighed around 175-195. And wore anywhere from a 10-12. My BMI is around 25.5 because I weigh 195. A normal BMI for me would be around 175. I dont think at 160 you would look "odd" but I also dont think there would be a gigantic difference between 160 and 170 when you are as tall as…
  • Thanks MPH2, I think I can do it, and I know I won't push myself too hard. Did that once and had a couple surgeries.... So lesson learned! We will see how it goes!
  • Yes, this week was my first time trying since about 2 years ago. This 5K is a run/walk race, but I was hoping to be able to jog it all! But I think it is a little soon to be trying to double my time in 3 weeks. Thanks guys
  • Also, Bananas are some what the same. Melons and bananas are really the only fruit you should watch out for, not exclude, because they are still good for you. Other than that, Id say eat apples all you want!
  • The apple will stick with you longer. Especially if you were to eat if before excercising. The apple has "good" carbs that help your body when working out!