tall ladies out there over 5'10

i'm 5'11 currently at 205 but would love to get to 160, but i fear i may start looking a bit odd. I really just want to be happy in my own skin.
have tried so many times but with no real success,
i have always played lots of sport and will never be the skinny one but with mfp and the support on this site i hope to.
any one got any ideas of their idea weight for the taller ladies out there?:smile:


  • Hi there...I stand 5'11" also and when I was at 180, prior to my son's birth, I was perfectly healthy and happy. I wore a size 7-8 and had a BMI under 23. Being tall has a huge amount of advantages and being able to weigh a little more is one of them. I wouldn't stress to much if you can't get to 160 because the one time I was at 160 I looked like a skeleton and I don't know about you but I like my curves! :)
  • Naokoheart
    My ideal weight is 150 pounds,but it all depends on your frame,
    if you have a large skeletal frame it can affect how much you should weigh,
    also your muscle mass can affect it too.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    It all depends on how you carry your weight - at 169 (right now) & 5'10'' I'm still in a 12. My kids did all the damage they could to makin' my hips wider :tongue: so although i think my goal weight (155) is attainable, I don't think a goal jean size of 7 or 8 is.

    :flowerforyou: GL to you!
  • shannahrenee
    I'm 5'10 and currently weigh 190 ish and I'm having the same problem. I worry that I might look funny at my goal weight because I think I have a pretty big frame. (I have hips that absolutely won't get much smaller because of the actual bones). My sister is 5'11 and has a fairly small frame weighs about 150 and she is super skinny, about a size 5-6, she was down to 145 when she was sick and looked anorexic so the 5 lbs made a huge difference. When she was playing softball she weighed about 170-75 and she still looked skinny.

    I would try setting an initial goal that isn't too low and then see how you look and feel and then adjust accordingly! Good luck!:smile:
  • fahensley
    fahensley Posts: 8 Member
    Im a little over 6 feet and have always weighed around 175-195. And wore anywhere from a 10-12. My BMI is around 25.5 because I weigh 195. A normal BMI for me would be around 175. I dont think at 160 you would look "odd" but I also dont think there would be a gigantic difference between 160 and 170 when you are as tall as us!

    Just shoot for a reasonable goal for right now, ie, I am at 195, shooting for 175. In reality I would like to be at 165, but seeing as its been since middle school since Ive been that, I dont want to get discouraged!!!!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Ive been all over the place... when I was modeling I was 120 (@ 5'11") and at my heaviest I was 183 (when I started MFP). I didn't feel good at 120 and I didn't feel good at 183 so for me (due to my body type) I feel just right at 150.

    As it was mentioned before, it really depends on how you "carry" weight. Im all legs so if I gain any weight it tends to go to my tummy and upper thighs; when I loose weight, I loose the "girls"...so not fair! But there is no magic number for any one person.

    I think that when your tall, you need to be vary wary of the scale. Ever noticed how someone gives you that odd look when you tell them how much you weigh? They tend to be shocked. I think that we get lucky because we carry weight differently than our shorter friends so we can get away with carrying a little extra weight and go unnoticed, but that also means that it is harder to notice a loss.

    Just eat right and work out. The perfect "number" for you will be reached when YOU feel good.

    Good luck all my amazon ladies!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: