

  • Since i have added more protein to my diet ( i eat 135g of protein ) I have dropped 4 pounds- however i will say that i go to the gym 5x a week for at least 2 hours a day... so just use trial-and -error and adjust as you see fit... obviously if someone weighs 400 pounds they are not going to eat 400g of protein- but they…
  • It helps build, repair, and recover your muscles. I have been exercising 5x a week for 1.5-2hours a day on a 1300 calorie diet for the last 3 weeks and i haven't seen the scale budge. I read an article that you should eat about 1g of protien per pound you weigh and tried that the last 2 days and have dropped 3 pounds in 2…
  • I would like to join! :) I would like to lose 16 pounds in 8 weeks- I am currently 220 so that would put me at 204.. I like the idea of doing a 'before' picture and then another in 4 weeks and then another picture at the end... I have never done a group weigh in before so this should be a fun way to stay motivated :)
  • Try riding a bike- it does great for your lower abs... and check out kickboxing... it is a great body workout and helps tone your abs too :)