

  • Well, I just realized I could add a weight for a date before I joined MFP, so now everything shows correctly. :) Robert
  • Another 1/2lb is gone. It seems the last week of more calories is working! I'm now down 25lb. I lost 10lb before MFP, but I know know how to tell it that. :) Robert
  • I got my shoes swapped out today. Now that I am working on the 2 minute run sections I have noticed some pain in my arch from the shoes and also some knee pain. They swapped out my other shoes for a pair of Brooks Beast a full size larger. It appears my other shoes were also too small. I am looking forward to taking them…
  • Well, I have lost 0.5lb so I guess my body is adjusting. Robert
  • I just finished W2! I'm looking forward to the next 2 days off. :) Robert
  • I just completed the last day of week 2! I have gone 12.2mi in just over 3 hours and burned 2600 calories! Robert
  • Listening to Good Calories/Bad Calories audio book here and as of Saturday my percentages are below. 65% Fat 5% Carbs (I actually aim for about 20g net carbs) 30% Protein Robert
  • That could be, I will give it another week and see what happens. I have been such a sloth for so long, I'm sure my body is in shock. :) Robert
  • I am in the middle of Week 2, but I would love to join you guys! Robert
  • Congratulations! I am 3 weeks behind you, but I look forward to the next few weeks. Robert
    in W5D1 ... Comment by BertoJG October 2012
  • W2D2 Complete, onward! Robert
  • Will do, I was more curious about the correlation with running, which is why I brought the point up.. :) Robert
  • That is what I changed my fat % to and somehow managed to eat all of my calories yesterday. I am finding cheese type snacks helpful on both accounts. Robert
  • I have cranked up my calorie goal from 1900 to 2200 and will try harder to reach it as I think this may be my primary problem. I am also paying more attention to what I am eating. I haven't had a problem staying away from carbs, averaging 20g a day, but my protein and fat percentages have been the opposite of what they…
  • Interesting that you mention that as I have been looking at the Primal information and learning more about it. I have to say that as part of the low carb eating style, I don't eat grains anymore and my stomach has become much more "stable". Thanks for the information! Robert
  • I just followed this measurement process and according to it, I'm eating nearly 1000 calories less than I should.. I'm not sure what to think about that.. Robert
  • Interesting thoughts everyone. I went literally from couch potato losing weight to running as part of the C25K program and the weight loss stopped. My average "run" consumes 400kcal but I have not eaten more than I did before, so that tends to point to not eating enough from my perspective. Still trying to figure out my…
  • No, honestly I didn't consider that, thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will keep going and see what turns up! Thanks! Robert
  • I found the stores here had several shoes to choose from, but one will feel right to you. I tried 3 different pairs before they felt right. In regards to price, I spent $120 and the online prices for the same shoes might be $10 - $15 cheaper, but I felt the difference was well worth the one on one time and help selecting…
  • Thank you everyone for your encouragement! W1D3 is in the books, still loving it. Running is something I never thought I would enjoy, so I'm quite surprised. Robert
  • That is my current plan after completing the C25K. I want to keep going and see what comes of it.. Robert
  • Thanks everyone! I did W1D2 on Tuesday and my wife joined in, it was great! I chose a flatter route this time and it was much easier, but I didn't feel as accomplished.. :) This evening will be W1D3, I'm so eager to go or to do more, but I don't want to mess up a good thing. Robert
  • Saima, I just went through this very same thing as I am beginning my C25K as well. I went to a local running shop and they looked at my feet, stance, and watched me jog to determine the best shoe for me. I found a calculator that tries to help recommend shoes on Runner's World that you may be interested in, it is located…
  • Fergie, I am in a similar situation, just being diagnosed last Monday with an A1C of 10.2%. Fortunately I had a head start in losing weight as I started eating better about a month ago and cut out all regular sodas, so I suppose my body was trying to tell me something was wrong. I have reduced my carb intake dramatically.…