GammaKathy Member


  • Thank You SO MUCH!!! Thank you for the comparison testing! I have been on the FitBit Ultra for almost 2 years and it is physically coming apart at the seams. Tracking still seems to be accurate, but its currently held together by silicon hair elastics. I was pretty sure that I would purchase another FitBit product, but was…
  • I flew through my first 25 pounds of loss and then it became harder and harder to stick with this. My husband has NEVER been on board. I had a GREAT fitness partner on MFP and in real life until a couple months ago. That buddy walked away from this for many reasons, but mainly because of fatigue with doing everything…
  • I understand using an app as assist OCCASIONALLY. But, the biggest reason we are all here is because we are learning how to take responsibility for ourselves. We are learning that a guesstimate is part of our basic problem in the first place. The very hardest part of this journey, in my opinion, is to realize that I am…
  • The Mirena does have progesterone but NOT at a level that should effect your intestinal tract like pregnancy or oral birth control. It is designed to have a local effect on the lining of the uterus WITHOUT the side effects of increasing the circulating level. You actually said the magic phrase. "I'm trying to build myself…
  • Its very doable! But gaining as a vegetarian is also very doable! I function as a lacto-ova vegetarian and got to my highest weight that way, but have taken off 31+ since late Sept. 2012 that same way. As has already been said mix up your different types of proteins from grains, legumes, nuts, dairy, eggs and yes even some…
  • This is Such a REAL example of learning a new life. So proud of your strength! Also so proud of your willingness to let the community give you strength when you need support. Onward we go as a group!!
    in 200 days Comment by GammaKathy May 2013
  • Bare is my go to place for ANY good bra. The prices are reasonable for the quality and they always have specials. What's really cool to me is that they have practical and pretty and sexy for all the different sizes!! They also will help with fitting. For me it is such a savings in time, gas, and most of all…
  • Even though the hormones in "generic equivalent" are the same, they can be +/_ a certain percentage in amount. then also the binding agent that holds it into the pill can be a different base chemical. The difference in binding agent can contribute to how the hormones are absorbed and in plain old water retention. I agree…
  • There's already good advice posted before me regarding your physical needs. Remember, if your food needs aren't met you are setting yourself up for much greater risk of Post Partum Depression. Go at this fitness thing with care and you and baby will thrive!! You will see a difference in the quality of breast milk you…
  • Your FitBit will track walking/ running activities very well and you don't need to do anything but link the apps. If you are doing strength training enter that separately in MFP. Biking stationary or outside doesn't track well with fitbit, so enter that in MFP. I haven't tried like elliptical or rowing, I would guess they…
  • Have been using the combination of FitBit Ultra and MFP for almost 3 months. I have the combination that I need to keep me really accountable now. I have a tangible way of knowing if I am mentally tired or if my tiredness is based on physical activity.
  • Sadly this site is just a reflection of where society is. People feel it is their right to say whatever they think, but don't consider the feelings of others. From the pages I have reviewed here I really feel like there are some people here with NO intention of fitness, but just to be mean. Some of them are so…
  • Learning a valuable lesson today the hard way: Don't cut below your calories days on end and failed to drink enough water yesterday when you are under stress, trying to clean house for appraisal today, baby-sitting and dog-sitting, and to top it a Railroad husband. Anybody got a spare mop for the tears? My strength is…
  • I don't know you, but am very very proud of you. You're a strong lady. Words I wanted to share and now can't find the person to tell her. That's just the way this day has been.....