Some Withings Pulse vs Fitbit testing

I hope this is in the correct forum.

So I got a little obsessed last night with trying to figure out why I couldn't manually add a workout to Myfitnesspal without the Withings Pulse eating it.

I use my activity tracker for "the other 23 hours" so in other words I do not wear it when I exercise, since I usually am doing crossfit, or some other exercises that the pedometers do not track very well. I prefer to use the activity tracker to track my daily activity and let me manually track my exercise.

After a lot of testing I have found that if I add any type of manual activity into MFP, the Withings subtracts the added burned calories from its calories. In other words no matter how much exercise I add (running, Crossfit, whatever) Withings basically deletes it, and there is no way to override it. There is also no way to add any exercise into the Withings website, in fact you have almost no control of the whitings from the website. Also the calories info from MFP does not sync to the withings website like it should. During my testing I noticed the calorie burned info from the withings was wonky. On Tuesday I had 9k steps and burned about 1809 calories. On weds I only had about 5k steps but it said I had burned about 1830 calories! I was half as active and I should have burned about half of the calories. I did some digging and found that Withings estimates your calories on low activity days because it assumes you were just not wearing the tracker. When if fact I was just being a lazy *kitten*. There is no way to turn this setting off! The Withings is also suppose to sync automatically every 20 mins or so, however it doesn’t really seem to do that. It syncs when it decides it feels like it, seemingly at random. I usually have to take it out of my pocket and manually sync it.

So I borrowed a Fitbit One from my mother and did some tests. If I add in exercise into Myfitnesspal, or into the Fitbit website, it instantly syncs to the other website and correctly updates the calorie burned info. I can also add in missing steps into the fitbit incase I forgot to out it on. The calorie eaten info from MFP comes over perfectly and shows up in the Fitbit website. The fitbit syncs every 20 mins without fail, I never have to pull it out of my pocket. I did some testing and the fitbit had the some problem as the Withings on the estimated calories on low activity days, however you can turn this off in the settings! You can also add in custom stride length in the fitbit where you can not do this in the Withings (yet)

I think the withings pulse hardware is very well designed, I love the look of it, and the tracking seems very accurate, however the website and manual tracking has some serious problems and right now I would highly recommend the fitbit over the pulse. Fitbit has been doing this for a while now and seems to really have done a great job with MFP integration and giving its users more control over how it tracks.

If you are looking at getting a new fitness tracker I hope this will be of some help.


If you are using MFP get a Fitbit instead of a Withings Pulse


  • cbr908rr
    cbr908rr Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for a great posting.

    I've been having the same trouble since June 2014, I didn't much like the Withings interface before getting my Pulse O2, but it's useful for tracking your weight and blood pressure and emailing it to your Doctor.

    I've also worked through two Withings Pulse O2 devices - they are VERY sensitive to water, once was just a lot of sweat.

    I must say thought that the support on My Fitness Pal has been great over this and have responded quickly and as helpfully as they can. Withings have yet to respond to a single support request.

    It's just a shame the FitBit wrist version doesn't have a screen - I've got used to checking it every now and again to see how I've done, but if it does update as much as you say then checking on my phone should be ok for this.

    Thanks again, I'm glad I'm not alone with the frustration of being able to eat less on days I exercise more!

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Nice info, thanks for posting it.

    "On Tuesday I had 9k steps and burned about 1809 calories. On weds I only had about 5k steps but it said I had burned about 1830 calories! I was half as active and I should have burned about half of the calories."

    Regarding that above, I think that's incorrect and you will also see days like this with a Fitbit, even with Calorie Estimation disabled. You won't burn half as much with half the steps because the vast majority of your burn every day is your BMR, which is independent of steps. And the Fitbit doesn't just assign calories as x per step, so you can frequently see lower steps days have higher burns. It considers the impact, speed, activity, etc., not just the number of steps.
  • GammaKathy
    GammaKathy Posts: 14 Member
    Thank You SO MUCH!!! Thank you for the comparison testing! I have been on the FitBit Ultra for almost 2 years and it is physically coming apart at the seams. Tracking still seems to be accurate, but its currently held together by silicon hair elastics. I was pretty sure that I would purchase another FitBit product, but was considering the Withings. I don't have anyone around that has a device to compare.

    The combination of MFP and the tracking is an absolute must for me. Thank You, both guys, again for the work you did evaluating, and for taking the time to post!!! :flowerforyou: (Yes I believe guys enjoy the occasional bouquet. :wink: )