BrentDry Member


  • I am on bood pressure meds and the beta blocker component lowers my RHR. These days it is 58 or so. When I rowed my PB 7500m in 30min my HR was up to 167 and was similar for a 2km piece also a PB at 7:29.8 But time off now for two months to recover from an operation so no rowing till then :(
  • Wow! My best to date is just over 7.4km for 30mins and at a much higher heart rate. Great to see it done and more incentive for me to put the work in. Nothing competitive just great to see. Are you logging on the concept2 website? Regards, Brent
  • Sorry but completely missed the forum since late last year so missed this even though I was rowing over that period. I try to do 7+km in 30mins three days a week and more recently the average has been 7.2km. Makes me think that it is a marathon per fortnight :) Regards, Brent
  • Hi Folks, I have been using a HRM mainly to see that nothing is getting out of whack while I row on a concept2 machine at the gym. On another post I was saying I get up to 160bpm when I do a 30minute row for 7400m. To achieve this I have been doing 1min sprints every 5mins at around 1:50 and the "rest" in between at about…
  • I much prefer early morning which to me means 7-7:30am at the gym. I do not have anything except a cup of water first. Lots of water afterwards and breakfast at work after that. I have tried eating first but that does not work for me. I find if I leave it to later in the day I tend to find excuses not to do it. Regards,…
  • Don't look at the forum much as do myfitnesspal from my phone app. Funny how I have not thought about breathing and it has not been any sort of issue,yet :) So I am putting here what I usually do to see how that relates. I usually row (concept2) three times per week for 30 minutes and look to do at least 7200m and my…
  • Brent here. Have been doing C2 rowing at the gym for a about three years. Was trying to find something at the gym I enjoyed on road to recovery from dual hip replacements. I really enjoy the C2 and heartily recommend the for both their training videos and that you can log your rowing on the website. So far…
  • Not familiar with the term "afterburn" but could you be meaning the boost you get from Interval Training. Spin bikes are often used for this but it can be done just jogging/running. Essentially the intense interval (usually a minute or less) is used to raise your heart rate so that the "normal" exercise between the high…