ldicianno Member


  • I've just returned to MFP because I gave up! I'm back on it so we'll see.
  • Im glad I'm not alone! It SUCKS!! I bought a scale before and weighed everything. I know what Im doing Doesn't f'ing work! but I'm hoping this time if I have the right people helping me I'll be able to do it!!
  • Oh ya and I'm 5'8
  • I am 45 and 5'8" I have been trying to lose weight since january I started at 174lbs I got down to 166 (only lasted a week) now I'm back up to 170. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I went to the dr and I have no thyroid problems Ha I even lowered my cholesterol 36pts from 216. so I'm doing something right... I just…
  • I've been a member at PF for over a year. It's great, they leave you alone and you can go in do your workout and leave. I was a member at LA fitness. I left because the trainers would always try to hit on me and it was annoying. If you're self motivated its a great place to work out. Its cheap clean and private.
  • I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!! this was my post this morning....... (I'm 45 5'8 female) "Ok I really want to cry I weighed myself this morning still 170!!! I don't f'ing get it??! what am I doing wrong? I bust my *kitten* at the gym I'm eating at or close to my goals. I understand plateaus but not when you start a diet!! WTF I've…
  • south beach diet :)
  • thanks you guys are right im just nervous to eat so much maybe it will work. i gain wait slowly when i go off the diet and eat and drink whatever i want so you may have a point!! but i do gain so i guess i am looking for my magic # thanks!!!!
  • Ya, stupid dr told me to cut out carbs. i dont really eat that kind of crap (except wine) and the dietitian said if i want to be thin then i just have to eat salads for the rest of my life. great thanks lady!! hahah!! thanks for the poost though. :)
  • Thanks, my clothes do feel a (bit) better. ya i guess i just have to stay vigilant. in just used to the weight coming off and now it doesn't. it SUCKS. I just really want to do this for the long haul. ;)
  • sorry duh, diary open