teresabice Member


  • I weigh myself daily, but I only report it on the app weekly. I have found that daily helps hold me accountable and keep me aware. If I go a couple weeks without weighing, I have a tendency to ignore what I'm eating.
  • They mostly contain artificial sweeteners as well. There have been soo many articles written on the adverse effects that artificial sweeteners have on weight loss. Kind of like drinking diet soda. I'm still guilty of it, but I really do try to be as organic as I can to my body. The diet shakes do contain a big pack of…
  • You are doing everything right, it takes time. You are close to your goal weight. I have gone from 245 pounds to 174 pounds. This last 10 pounds has taken me 6 months. The main thing is you are already healthy. This tool gives you a way to monitor that and look back over time. If you had been using it while you were…
  • Weight loss is easier to control through your diet than with exercise. Just remember one day at a time and if you stumble remember that tomorrow is another day. Good luck and stick with it. :happy:
  • I have a sweet tooth too. I have been able to train myself to realize it is okay to eat an indulgence each day as long as the rest of my diet allows for it. This app helps to figure out how many calories you can afford to do that with. OR if you are really wanting something extra, walk for it if you are physically able to.…
  • I restarted with this app recently. Originally, I didn't stick with it very well. I should have watched the tutorial on how to scan in an item otherwise I probably would have stuck it out. I am happy to say that I am finding great motivation from this site. My boyfriend and I started losing weight on Weight watchers about…
  • 155 just like you. I chose it from a couple of factors. I was my healthiest most toned in high school and was never able to maintain a weight below 150. I have a high muscle content with medium build at 5' 6". I don't want to be anorexic and right now at 174 I'm wearing a size 8 jeans which according to a lot of sites is…
  • I am a 32 year old mother of three. I just started this last week losing weight again. I had taken off over 80 pounds after having my third child, but I let myself laps into my old ways and gained 20 of it back. I am getting ready to move back home after getting my degree and I want to look my best. I have lost 8 pounds so…