Hi Everyone

I am a 32 year old mother of three. I just started this last week losing weight again. I had taken off over 80 pounds after having my third child, but I let myself laps into my old ways and gained 20 of it back. I am getting ready to move back home after getting my degree and I want to look my best. I have lost 8 pounds so far in the last week, and I feel great. This is the first time I have counted calories for my dieting. I am a manager at McDonalds. Did you know there are over 1300 calories in a Deluxe Big Breakfast??? Thats my entire allotted amount of calories for the whole day. Anyway wish me luck and good luck to you all!!!!!


  • teresabice
    teresabice Posts: 11 Member
    I am a 32 year old mother of three. I just started this last week losing weight again. I had taken off over 80 pounds after having my third child, but I let myself laps into my old ways and gained 20 of it back. I am getting ready to move back home after getting my degree and I want to look my best. I have lost 8 pounds so far in the last week, and I feel great. This is the first time I have counted calories for my dieting. I am a manager at McDonalds. Did you know there are over 1300 calories in a Deluxe Big Breakfast??? Thats my entire allotted amount of calories for the whole day. Anyway wish me luck and good luck to you all!!!!!
  • Rocoup
    Rocoup Posts: 669 Member
    Good luck! You've got this
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Welcome and great job on the loss so far! :)