wcurudy Member


  • I'm interested in this too. Especially if you have links to actual research, bro-science does nothing for me.
  • Yay for sobriety! I was in the same boat, but with whiskey. I lost ~15 lbs within a few months of quitting.
  • It's not 'technically' anything. You absolutely beat your previous best and, for a 5k, 1:36 is a pretty significant chunk of time. So good for you! The fact that you were able to sprint finish means that you likely could've done even better if you'd "run steady but marginally faster overall", but that doesn't mean you ran…
    in 5km PB's Comment by wcurudy April 2015
  • This is EXACTLY where I'm at. I think in a week or so I'll increase the weight, at which point I'll have to try to find a weight belt at my gym; I've never seen anyone else do them, so they may not have one.
  • I'm of the opinion that potatoes are borderline "super foods" (even though I hate that term). They get a bad rap because 90% of the time they're eaten fried and/or slathered in butter.…
  • That is very cool. Any idea who made it?
  • P90x can be as hard or easy as you make it. Most of the exercises have an "easier" variation which he'll explain. For example, the pull ups can be done with a chair to rest your leg on, or you can use bands instead of doing actual pull ups. For push ups, you can do them on your knees. I really like p90x, but you have to be…